Sunday, April 4, 2010

Visiting in May, need to find a 'real' place

My wife and I live in NYC and are celebrating her 30th bday. We both like non-traditional tourist visits. We love laid back towns with great seafood, lobster/chowder shacks, and great bars with friendly locals.

Can anyone recommend a fun town to visit that isn%26#39;t too far of a drive from NYC where we can get a no frills room, have a great lobster dinner and get drunk with locals?

Visiting in May, need to find a 'real' place

You don%26#39;t mention when her birthday is, and that%26#39;s important as far as what will be open, especially the seafood shacks. If you%26#39;re planning on coming in May or later, then consider the town of Narragansett. It%26#39;s certainly much more laid back than say Newport, but it still offers plenty to do and see. Get a room at the Anchor Motel and visit the villages of Point Judith and Galilee for all your seafood shack cravings. Also, if you follow route 108 south past Aunt Carrie%26#39;s and Iggy%26#39;s seafood jionts, there%26#39;s a nice dirt road turn off on your right hand side called Camp Cronin. GREAT spot to enjoy your food while you gaze out at Block Island in the distance. Narragansett also has plenty of watering holes around town, and several near the Anchor Motel.

Visiting in May, need to find a 'real' place

Thanks for the update! We%26#39;re travelling the weekend of May 16th. Do you think those spots you mentioned will be open?

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. To answer your question, yes, most everything will be open by then. There%26#39;s a couple places that wait until Memorial Day, but nothing that should stop you from going. Aunt Carrie%26#39;s is open weekends only until Mem. Day, but you would be going on the weekend anyways.

I do want to correct one little mistake I made concerning Camp Cronin. It%26#39;s actually on Ocean Road, not Route 108. Route 108 ends at Iggy%26#39;s and Aunt Carrie%26#39;s. So, you would head down Ocean Road to reach it. I always urge people to go there, because it%26#39;s such a beautiful spot, with the breakwalls, small beach and the Point Judith lighthouse off to the left.

Anchor Motel is right on Ocean Road across the street from Scarborough Beach. Scarborough is a beautiful beach to take a stroll on and it%26#39;s right across the road from the Anchor. The Anchor is very reasonable and very clean. Highly recommend it.

From the Anchor, you can head north into the main village area of Narragansett, where the town beach is located. There%26#39;s lots of shops and restaurants in this area, like the famous Coast Guard House. There is a beautiful, long seawall here where many folks like to congregate and look at out the ocean. There%26#39;s a really good pub on Boon Street called PJ%26#39;s if you want to check that out. It%26#39;s about a 3 block walk from the seawall. Heading south along Ocean Road from the Anchor will take you down towards Point Judith, where the aforementioned Aunt Carrie%26#39;s, Iggy%26#39;s and the lighthouse are loacated. Also located down there is Okie%26#39;s Bar %26amp; Grill and Charlie O%26#39;s Tavern, both fine for quenching your thirst.

For your Lobster dinner, I recommend heading over to Galilee, a charming fishing village in Narragansett. You will have several restauraunts there to choose from. I recommend George%26#39;s of Galilee. It%26#39;s located right on the beach and is casual attire. A great choice for a lobster dinner, both boiled or baked. They even offer the King George Lobster if you are really hungry. Another one of my favorite spots there is Champlin%26#39;s Seafood Deck. It%26#39;s located along the breachway, where you can watch the fishing fleet come and go. This place is really good for fried seafood and lobster. Galilee can be reached by taking the Galilee Escape Road off Route 108 ( Point Judith Road). Hope this helps, if you decide on Narragansett on your destination. I know neither one of you will be disappointed.

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