will be there FRI of memorial day wkend. where%26#39;s the best place to park? we just want to leisurely walk around town. will be doing mansions in the morning. any %26#39;must see%26#39; in-town, and recommendations of budget friendly places to eat vs. well known eateries? opinions on: black pearl, clarke cook house, fluke, or white horse tavern? best place to park - will probably head out to newport in late afternoon
1st time in newport
Hi Jerseyians! Memorial Day weekend should be a lot of fun in Newport!! There are several parking lots in which you have to pay. To find a spot to park for free in Newport at that time will be difficult. I would like to suggest The Brick Alley Pub right on the lower part of Thames. Very popular great atmosphere and drinks!!!
try the links below. I hope you can open them. White Horse Tavern is good, but very expensive, I wouldn%26#39;t consider this place a fun place! Take a ride along the beaches which are on the way to the mansions. Walk the Cliff Walk. The links below will help you
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