Am looking to rent a 2bedroom house or condo in Newport in mid August. Does anyone have any suggestions on reliable websites or companies that offer such listings? We want to make sure we get a nice, clean, nicely situated place.
reliable house rental company in newport
You won%26#39;t find any professional rental agencies for short term/weekly rentals in Newport. The city does not allow rentals for less than 30 days. There are people who try and rent anyway on Craigslist or VRBO but you%26#39;ll have to look for references. There is also no guarantee as they aren;t legally allowed to do it.
There are rental companies that work in near by Middletown,which allows weekly rentals.
reliable house rental company in newport
Maybe riliving.com?? That is the predominant online RE site here.
You could check VRBO.com. There are several listings there for places in Newport. If you can, try to ask for references. Good luck with your search - have a fun vacation!!
Try cyberrentals.com or homeaway.com for listings.
FYI if interested, I own a week at the end of August I am willing to rent. It is a two bedroom at the Newport Onshore and the week is the 21st to the 28th. Feel free to contact me if interested.
This thread inspired me to look into property rentals as opposed to staying in a hotel or inn. As a matter of fact, we found a property we%26#39;re very interested in, and will probably book for the summer of 2010.
We only want to rent for one week, but certainly did not want to break any laws. Due to the fact that I have seen so many rental properties in Newport advertising not only weekly, but nightly rates, I contacted the City Manager. What he told me is that yes it is illegal to rent properties for less than 30 days if the property is in a residential zone. If the property is in a commercial zone, such as the Thames St. or Memorial Blvd. areas then it is ok. He also told me that the City Council is discussing changing this law to include residential areas.
If you want to know which zone a property that you%26#39;re considering is in, you can contact the Planning Deptartment (401-845-5451) and they%26#39;ll let you know. Hope this helps others out there that are considering doing this.
While that is true, they still have to have a rental license which many do not....just a heads up.
They seem to crack down every couple of years by cruising the websites posing as renters and getting the exact address....haven%26#39;t heard of anything lately though.
I hope they pass the weekly rental law, for some reason, the city council in the past has assumed that allowing weekly rentals would INCREASE the partiers...evedince has shown that it encourages more families and less of the ';party house'; group of 20 - 30 chipping in for a month or the entire summer.
Well, at least the law change is under discussion, and that%26#39;s a good thing. I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;re right in that many families out there would love to rent a house in Newport for a week or two. I would think most working families aren%26#39;t able to take a month or two off from work as opposed to college students who get the whole summer off. I do hope that the change does goes through.
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