Sunday, April 4, 2010

2 nights in early May - where to stay?

My husband and I are planning a trip to Boston and Cape Cod in early May. We were thinking about having 1-2 nights in Newport.

Can anyone recommend a place to stay (looking at budget of around $200/night). Would want somewhere that we could walk to restaurants for dinner.


2 nights in early May - where to stay?

You didn%26#39;t mention if you%26#39;ll be staying in Newport during the week, or on a weekend. That can make a big difference in the rate you%26#39;ll pay. The place I always recommend is The Admiral Fitzroy Inn, which after sampling several Newport properties is a personal favorite of my wife and I. It has an excellent location on Thames Street, and also offers free off street parking. If you%26#39;ll be there during the week, the rates come in under $200.00 a night. Weekends can still be under that rate up until May 7th.

Check out all the positive reviews on this site, and you%26#39;ll see why we always stay there. Best bang for the buck in Newport in my opinion.…

2 nights in early May - where to stay?

We would probably stay Sat and Sunday night (9/10May).

Were thinking about 5 nights in Boston, 2 nights in Newport (or somewhere else in the area) and 5 nights in Cape Cod

There are a couple of places just outside of Newport in Middletown that could work for you. On May 8-10 you can stay at either the Residence Inn, or Hampton Inn for about $200.00 a night. While I%26#39;ve never stayed in either of these places, they seem to be rated well. Check them out here:…

I have no doubt that you%26#39;ll find something suitable for your needs. Have a great trip!

Actually, there are a few more on that page besides the two that I mentioned that may work for you as well. I%26#39;m sure that you%26#39;ll find something. Good luck!

The Newport Marriott hotel is offering rooms for your weekend at $209. The hotel is in a great location for shopping and dining along Thames Street as well as the Wharf areas. Just something to consider if you don%26#39;t want a B%26amp;B experience.

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