Thursday, April 1, 2010

Newport accomodations and transportation

I am planning to visit Newport in early June during the week. I am from the west coast so am unfamiliar with the area. I will be taking the train from NYC. Toward the end of the week I will need to drive outside of Boston. Will I need a car for my stay in Newport? If not, how would I get from the train to a hotel or B%26amp;B? If I do need a car, is it best to take the train to Providence and get a car there? Also wondering about recommendations for where to stay. I will be traveling alone so looking for a safe location in close proximity to restaurants, shopping, sightseeing, etc. I am planning on visiting the mansions and relaxing, although am open to other ideas for local attractions. I appreciate any advice - it is hard to plan this from a distance! Thanks.

Newport accomodations and transportation

If you%26#39;re just looking to stay in Newport, you don%26#39;t need a car, you can explore on foot, or trolley. There is a local Hertz location on Broadway, so you could pick up your rental car for your trip outside of Boston there.

One thing you can%26#39;t really do in Newport without a car, is the Ocean Drive loop:

Perhaps you can hit that on your way out of town earlier in the morning.

You can take the train to Kingston Station and arrange for a car or shuttle service to pick you ip and take you to Newport. It%26#39;s about a 20 - 25 minute drive. Providence would be longer, about 45 minutes.

All of the accomodations in town are safe. Check out for an idea of what%26#39;s out there and price range. Lots of B%26amp;B%26#39;s and Inns as well as bigger Hotels like the Hyatt, Mariott etc. That site will also give you an idea of what else there is to do in the area.

Newport accomodations and transportation

Be sure to check out the reviews for Newport restaurants, and hotels here on this site. Just use the links over on the left. There%26#39;s a wealth of good information here that I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll find extremely helpful. Have a great trip!

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