Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dinner Club Card

Hello -

My husband is spending July at school in Newport and the baby (11 months at the time) and I are joining him. Our friends have recommended the Dinner Club card but said to check on blackout dates. I found the website for this, but cannot find information on when the current card expires or if the summer is during a blackout period.

If you are familiar with it, are the restaurants worth visiting? Will it be acceptable to bring the baby? I looked at the list and there seem to be a lot of bars. I am not sure what the rules are for minors. If they are allowed before a certain time.

Thank you,


Dinner Club Card

Most of the restaurants do not accept them during July, and August. Of those that do, they usually don%26#39;t accept them Fri, Sat, or Sunday. It%26#39;s defnitely a good deal in the off-season, but in the Summer, not so much.

Dinner Club Card

Thank you for your quick response.

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