any recommednations to do or just places to stroll? Should we take some kind of tour?
Newport RI to do
Hi Barb,
Depends on what month you plan on visiting. Newport is a very enjoyable summertime destination. There%26#39;s plenty to keep you occupied. The Cliff Walk is free and very enjoyable for a stroll (bring your camera). The mansions along Bellevue Avenue are always a top attraction for tourists. Strolling the shops along Thames Street is a nice way to spend some time. The nearby Bannister%26#39;s and Bowen%26#39;s Wharfs usually has some sort of hubbub going on. You can take a harbor cruise from there if you so choose. Another great way to see Newport is by renting Segways if that interests you.
Newport RI to do
What sort of stuff interests you? The mansions are always a draw, they%26#39;ve mostly switched to audio tours so you can control how long you want to spend.
how long will you be here? And as Will mentioned, what time of year?
Thanks so much. We%26#39;re going next week. We are attending a wedding but will have soem free time during the day. The mansions are interewsting, I%26#39;m sure we won%26#39;t have time to do all. How about he winery? Any restaraunt recommendations?
Next week. Are there any particular mansions to ';not miss';? Also, what do you think or the winery? And good restaurants? Thanks for your help
Newport Vineyards %26amp; Winery is a beautiful little Vineyard with a friendly staff. If you%26#39;re a wine lover, by all means go. It%26#39;s located on Route 138 across from the Newport Airport in the town of Middletown. They have a store there if you decide to make some purchases.
As far as mansions are concerned, there are only 5 open for touring during your visit. The Breakers is the grandest and usually the one everyone wants to visit. Chateau-sur-Mer gets excellent reviews. The others open are Marble House, The Elms (the only one that allows indoor photos to be taken) and Rosecliff. I have only visited The Breakers and The Elms and found The Breakers to be quite grandiose. Maybe others can chime in on there faves, but if you can only visit one, my vote is for The Breakers.
There%26#39;s an old saying that if a restaurant isn%26#39;t good, it won%26#39;t stay open for very long. That is especially true in Newport. The competition is fierce in Newport when it comes to dining, and very few places get by on past reputation. I suggest you look at the ones I already mentioned and visit their websites. Make your decision based on what looks appealing to you.
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