We will be visiting Providence next week. We are interested in making a day trip into New York, possibly by train, on Thursday. Is there a feasable and reasonably priced way to do this?
Day trip to New York
I%26#39;ll give you your options and you can decide if it%26#39;s feasable and reasonable.
Train: Arrive in New York about 10:30AM, leave New York around 8PM. R/T cost for 2 adults would be $260.
Bus: Arrive in New York about 11AM, leave New York at either 8 or 10PM. R/T cost for 2 adults is $150.
A rental car is also an option, but that would be alot of driving just for a daytrip.
If those options don%26#39;t seem feasable or reasonable, you might want to consider a daytrip into Boston. Much cheaper and since it%26#39;s only an hour away, it would allow you more time to explore.
Day trip to New York
Just what I needed to know, thanks.
If you enjoy driving, don%26#39;t dismiss it. It%26#39;s certainly doable, and kind of fun too. You could also drive to the South Norwalk, CT train station and take the train/commuter rail in from there. It would be about an hour, I think.
I would take the commuter train from New Haven, CT. It is a 2 hour trip from there. It%26#39;s do-able if you start early. It%26#39;s quicker if you drive all the way to NYC though.
How long is the ride to New Haven, and any idea how much it would cost?
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