Hi all! I am trying to plan a weekend in Newport with my boyfriend at the end of March to celebrate our anniversary. We haven%26#39;t been on a real trip together for a few years, so I%26#39;m trying to find somewhere to stay that will be really nice, located downtown (near Thames St) with parking, and isn%26#39;t too expensive (grad students!). I%26#39;m also not sure whether to go hotel or B%26amp;B, we%26#39;ve never stayed in a B%26amp;B and I%26#39;ve seen some great deals for this time of year. I also have a AAA membership, so I was hoping to maybe get a discount with that. Any suggestions would be very helpful, thank you!
Need help with hotel or B%26amp;B in March!
On the left, click on the Newport Hotel links for some reviews and comments. There are so many diffeerent options around town. Some favorites of posters around here include the Francis Malbone House, Newport Blues Inn, Hydranga House, etc...the big 4 Hotels are Hyatt, Mariott, Newport Harbor Hotel, and the Hotel Viking. There are also several Inns that can be affordable, America%26#39;s Cup Inn, Jailhouse Inn, etc.
FYI, the weekend of 3/14 is the annual St. Patrick%26#39;s Day Parade and festivities. Prices will be high and the town will be very crowded along with all of the bars, restaurants etc....if you%26#39;re looking for a quite getaway, that is NOT the weekend to come.
Other than that, you should be able to find some deals for lodging, as it%26#39;s not quite the spring season yet. You might also be able to get the hyatt, Viking, Mariott, newport Harbor Hotel on Hotwire or Priceline cheap too.
For more info, check out:
Need help with hotel or B%26amp;B in March!
Another option you might consider would be The Admiral Fitzroy Inn, which is a personal favorite of my wife and I. It has an excellent location on Thames Street, free off street parking, wireless internet, very friendly and helpful staff, and won%26#39;t break the bank compared to many Newport properties. Check out the reviews on this site, and you%26#39;ll see what I mean.
This inn is basically a cross between a b%26amp;b, and a hotel. Cozy, but you don%26#39;t feel like you%26#39;re a staying in someone%26#39;s home. Kind of a european hotel experience.
Don%26#39;t know what you%26#39;re budget is, but you can check out their rates and specials at their website www.admiralfitzroyinn.com
If this place is not what you%26#39;re looking for, follow Milemarker%26#39;s suggestion and check out the reviews for the other hotels and b%26amp;b%26#39;s in town on this site.
One way or the other, you%26#39;re sure to find something that works for you. Good luck, and have a great trip!
Thanks for these suggestions! I had looked at Hydrangea House and some of the other B%26amp;Bs before, but their rates seemed a bit high for us. I haven%26#39;t heard of the admiral fitzroy inn before, is breakfast served as part of staying there? We have never stayed in a B%26amp;B before, so we want to make our first time at one memorable!
I also should mention that we%26#39;re going the 27th and 28th, thanks for the heads up about St. Patrick%26#39;s Day!
Yes, the Fitzroy does provide breakfast. Although we have never sampled it personally,(we always go to Fathoms for breakfast no matter where we stay) it is very good according to the reviews.
Agree, the Adm. Fitzroy Inn fits your preferences. The place gets rave comments about its innkeeper and staff.
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