Hi. I am arriving around midnight in PVD airport. Could you recommend a reliable car service or limo for transportation to Newport?
thanks for the help.
Car or limo from PVD Airport to Newport
Hi. I am arriving around midnight in PVD airport. Could you recommend a reliable car service or limo for transportation to Newport?
thanks for the help.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a nice place for late lunch after visiting the Flower Show in Providence. We are planning on going on Thurs. Feb 19 or Fri. Feb 20.
These sound great, got the coupons. Do you know if it is a doable walk in the winter?
This would a doable walk in the winter - Mediterraneo is .45 miles from the convention center and caffe dulce vita is just a tiny bit farther. There is a considerable amount of traffic though right around the convention center and you will have to walk over 1-95 to reach Federal Hill where these restaurants are, so you might consider hopping in a cab - wouldn%26#39;t be more than a 3-5 minute ride though!
Hope this helps!
Two short block from the Convention Center is Local 121. Beautiful restaurant with great food. Check them out at:www.local121.com
Katie, this is bordering on advertising/self promotion, as you are only recommending places that are on your site.
I%26#39;ve been doing some looking around, how is the Trinity Brew House?
I would be a bit suspect about her recommending Dulce so highly - the best I have ever heard is that it is ok and that Fed Hill has much better places. And please stay away from Trinity Brew House. The brews they make are mediocre to bad. Go to Union Station for better beer, food and atmosphere.
There are some nice options right downtown....Local 121 is a new, somewhat upscale restaurant serving locally based foods....there is also a good Italian restaurant on Westminster St.--Mama Theresa or something like that. These are closer than the Hill. Frankly, with the looks of that newish Chinese restaurant, I%26#39;m disappointed with Atwells, although I%26#39;m dying to try that authentic Mexican place way down at the end.
Are there any unbiased recommendations? We will stay away from the Brew House, too bad, cause it looked like a great old building. We would like to be able to walk, but really don%26#39;t know too much about the city.
looking for a waterview site in bristol ri for a small intimate wedding
This isn%26#39;t in Bristol, but I recommend Fort Adams in Newport. You can have them on the north lawn over looking the east passage. www.fortadams.org.
There is a lovely house in downtown Bristol which is steps away from the ocean and they do weddings. I think its called the Linden House. Not cheap, but very pretty. Try googling under that name, I may have spelled it wrong. There are restaurants that run one street back from the waterfront with a small park/marina space in front of them- maybe you could google restaurants in Bristol and see if their descriptions mention their location and give them a call.
Colt State Park is really pretty. One of my good friends had her wedding photos taken there and one of my best friends is getting married there this summer.
We are in the middle of planning a vacation in Boston/Cape Cod. We are a family of 4 with 2 teenage boys.
So far I have booked 3 nights in Jurys Boston (30 June-2 July) to see the city, do some shopping etc. We have rented a house in Chatham from 4th to 11th July. We are overwhelmed by variety and choice - so we are undecided about our next move. We were thinking of going to Newport as we have 5 days left before we return to Boston. As we will be close to a beach for the week in Chatham - we were thinking of opting for something self catering near a lake (just a thought). We love little quaint towns etc.
We would be very grateful if you had any ideas.
Nothing like that fits the bill in Newport, there are no weekly rentals like that. Perhaps up towards the lakes region of NH?
Thanks for replying. I see you are a local. What would you recommend in the area for say 5 days or so - we are very easy to please. We are fine with hotels/inn etc. also I just find the planning has been difficult as I have only been to USA a few times and they were all trips to NY on shopping/ ight seeing trips I am very dependant on %26#39;hear say%26#39; and tips people are giving me. All advice would be most gratefully accepted.
Well, Newport has a lot to offer the visitors. In the summer, all of the mansions are open for tours. The Cliff Walk and Ocean drive are all nice places to realx with. There are beaches in town, but as you said, since you%26#39;ll be coming from a week on the Cape, that probably won%26#39;t be high on your list.
The harbor will be bustling with activity that time of year, boat rides, restaurants and shops etc...
You could also do a day trip over to Block Island and explore that unique island.
From Newport, you can also explore other parts of the state quite easily.
Check out www.gonewport.com to get an idea of what the area has to offer.
You can go online and find some weekly rentals with kitchens in Middletown, the town next to Newport. In particular, there are a number of such units in the area near First, or Newport, Beach.
Many of these are quite nice; I%26#39;ve had relatives stay in such accomodations in the past.
Hi all! I am trying to plan a weekend in Newport with my boyfriend at the end of March to celebrate our anniversary. We haven%26#39;t been on a real trip together for a few years, so I%26#39;m trying to find somewhere to stay that will be really nice, located downtown (near Thames St) with parking, and isn%26#39;t too expensive (grad students!). I%26#39;m also not sure whether to go hotel or B%26amp;B, we%26#39;ve never stayed in a B%26amp;B and I%26#39;ve seen some great deals for this time of year. I also have a AAA membership, so I was hoping to maybe get a discount with that. Any suggestions would be very helpful, thank you!
On the left, click on the Newport Hotel links for some reviews and comments. There are so many diffeerent options around town. Some favorites of posters around here include the Francis Malbone House, Newport Blues Inn, Hydranga House, etc...the big 4 Hotels are Hyatt, Mariott, Newport Harbor Hotel, and the Hotel Viking. There are also several Inns that can be affordable, America%26#39;s Cup Inn, Jailhouse Inn, etc.
FYI, the weekend of 3/14 is the annual St. Patrick%26#39;s Day Parade and festivities. Prices will be high and the town will be very crowded along with all of the bars, restaurants etc....if you%26#39;re looking for a quite getaway, that is NOT the weekend to come.
Other than that, you should be able to find some deals for lodging, as it%26#39;s not quite the spring season yet. You might also be able to get the hyatt, Viking, Mariott, newport Harbor Hotel on Hotwire or Priceline cheap too.
For more info, check out:
Another option you might consider would be The Admiral Fitzroy Inn, which is a personal favorite of my wife and I. It has an excellent location on Thames Street, free off street parking, wireless internet, very friendly and helpful staff, and won%26#39;t break the bank compared to many Newport properties. Check out the reviews on this site, and you%26#39;ll see what I mean.
This inn is basically a cross between a b%26amp;b, and a hotel. Cozy, but you don%26#39;t feel like you%26#39;re a staying in someone%26#39;s home. Kind of a european hotel experience.
Don%26#39;t know what you%26#39;re budget is, but you can check out their rates and specials at their website www.admiralfitzroyinn.com
If this place is not what you%26#39;re looking for, follow Milemarker%26#39;s suggestion and check out the reviews for the other hotels and b%26amp;b%26#39;s in town on this site.
One way or the other, you%26#39;re sure to find something that works for you. Good luck, and have a great trip!
Thanks for these suggestions! I had looked at Hydrangea House and some of the other B%26amp;Bs before, but their rates seemed a bit high for us. I haven%26#39;t heard of the admiral fitzroy inn before, is breakfast served as part of staying there? We have never stayed in a B%26amp;B before, so we want to make our first time at one memorable!
I also should mention that we%26#39;re going the 27th and 28th, thanks for the heads up about St. Patrick%26#39;s Day!
Yes, the Fitzroy does provide breakfast. Although we have never sampled it personally,(we always go to Fathoms for breakfast no matter where we stay) it is very good according to the reviews.
Agree, the Adm. Fitzroy Inn fits your preferences. The place gets rave comments about its innkeeper and staff.
Thinking about renting one of the houses on the Commons for a week for a small family get-together. I%26#39;d really appreciate hearing from anyone with experience renting one of these houses. I am familiar with BI and the Spring House Hotel but would feel better about spending a ton of $$$ on a weeks rental if I heard others had a good experience....appreciate a reply!
Does anyone have a suggestion on a 3 day weekend trip in the New England areas.....Rhode Island, Mass., Vermont, Conn. Looking to go March 20-23. Want to have some good local foods and drinks. Take in a little history, sites along the way. Maybe a winery...but not a must. Like to stick to the locally spots as opposed to touristy. Thank you!
I would stick to RI and CT. There are plenty of interesting spots on the way to RI. Western MA and VT will be colder annd could still be plenty of snow around.
I really think you will be happy in Newport, RI!
We are traveling to Newport for a few days in mid April. We will be there from Sun - Thurs. I know NOTHING about the area! I need plenty of advice! So far all I know is that there are mansions and water.
What are my can%26#39;t miss items? What are the best places to eat? Is April still considered off season? Will anything be going on?
Also... what is the best way to get to the Amtrak station from the airport? I will be taking a train from Providence to NYC Thursday. Will a cab be too expensive?
Thanks in advance!
April is not the high season of Summer, but most of the shops, restaurants, and stores will be open, but not crowded (unless your visit falls during local school%26#39;s April Vacation)
For an overview of the city, go to:
Along with the mansions, the Cliff Walk is popular if the weather is nice.
also all of the wharfs and shops around Thames Street.
The best way to catch the train from Newport is actually from the Kingston Station, but you could go up to Providence as well. There are some cab companies and shuttle services. You can probably find the list at gonewport.com
Oh wait, I see you want a train from the Airport....then yes Providence is the closer station. Cab would be easiest, but you could take a RIPTA bus.
As far as where to eat, there are many choices that cater to many different tastes, and budgets. Check out the restaurant reviews in this site. They are a valuable resource particularly to a Newport newbie like yourself.
Hope this link works. Enjoy!
In Mid April, the weather can be anywhere from cool to mild, so some activities might depend on the weather.
In nice weather, we like to take a sailboat tour of the harbor (not sure they run in Mid April), we enjoy a drive along the ocean (in any weather) with a stop to have a drink or lunch at Castle Hill.
The mansions are a great option for a rainy or chilly day since you%26#39;ll be inside and you could save the cliff walk for a mild day.
Newport has lots of restaurant choices, we like the Clark Cooke House.
I can%26#39;t help with public transportation as we always have a car.
Enjoy your trip!
Thanks all. This will get me started.
We%26#39;d also like to go into Boston if it%26#39;s not too far. How long do you think it would take by car to do a day trip into Boston? Would it be better to catch a train?
By car, it would be about 1 1/2 hours up to Boston depending on traffic of course.
The easiest way would be to take a bus from the visitors center. It takes you right into South Station in Boston.
As someone else mentioned, prepare yourselves for quite variable weather. April in Newport is not like April in the south; it can be mild and sunny and change overnight to a windy, raw and rainy.
You will have plenty of choices at that time of year for reasonably priced overnight accomodations, and restaurant off season ';Deals';. The local NCCVB (Newport County Convention and Visitors Bureau) website will give you most of the information you need to begin putting together a detailed itinerary.
I%26#39;ve been to Boston once before without a car and found the public transportation good enough to suit my needs. The bus sounds like it may work, but what about a Celtics game? If we were to take the bus from Newport to Boston is there public transportation to the game and back and does it run that late after the game?
Could it be safer bet to take a car since I will have a rental that week anyway?
Thanks for the tip about the weather. I will be taking along stuff that I can wear in layers.
If you%26#39;re going to a Caeltics game, unless it%26#39;s an afternoon game, the bus would not be an option. The last bus leaves at 7:30pm or 8:30 F,Sa, Su.
You could drive up to Boston and it would take about 1 1/2 hours, more if you hit rush hour.
You could also drive up to the Canton/Route 128 Commuter T station and take the Commuter train into town, or drive to the Braintree T-Stop and take the T in. Last Train out for the Commuter T is at midnight on weeknights and just after 11:00 on weekends.
If the schedules are too tight or not flexible enough, than yes a car is the way to go. It%26#39;s not too complicated a drive. (At least until you get into Boston)
I just booked a 3 day trip to Newport Nov 7-9. What is Newport like this time of year? Weather? Crowds? Attractions, Restaurants, etc - all still open?
The weatheer will be turning cooler, and the fall colors will be almost gone. Most all restaurants and shops that are not seasonal will be open. The crowds will be nothing too bad, and parking will be plentiful and free downtown. Some of the Manisons are open, but won%26#39;t be decorated for the holidays yet. Most harbor activities (sailing trips, etc) will have closed for the season.
It will be pretty quiet around town, but not a ghost town...
The Fall Restaurant week finishes up that weekend in town so there were some good deals at area restaurants 3 course meals for $16 each for Lunch, $30 for Dinners.
check out www.gonewport.com and check out the event calendar as the time gets closer.
Thanks milemarker0. Hopefully there will be enough to do at this time. We%26#39;ve been up to Maine (Ogunquit area) at the end of October and there is still plenty to do - just the seasonal places are closed.
Thanks again for your help.
I%26#39;m looking to stay in Newport during the 1st or 2nd week of August. Does anyone know what accommodation could be the $234/night hotel Hotwire is offering?
The hotel features the following amenities:
Complimentary Breakfast, Fitness Center, Pool(s), Business Center, Laundry Facilities, High-speed Internet Access
Thanks in advance!
Check betterbidding.com
They%26#39;re a helpful bunch and would be able to point you in the right direction.
Good luck!! I%26#39;m hoping to Priceline a hotel for far less during the Wet Paint Festival in mid-August (my son puts a few photos in each year.)
Thanks! Will take a look.
But if anyone has additional info, please share.
Best regards!
We%26#39;re driving from Newark Airport to Cape Cod on a wednesday in july. Our plan is to arrive in Newport around 4pm, visit the town (Cliffwalk,...) and leave the next day around 1pm. Do we have enough time to see the most important things of Newport or should we just drive directly to Cape Cod (where we have 2 or 3 nights depending on stopping in Newport)?
Hi Tio-man,
You should definitely be able to do the Cliff Walk and drive around and see most of the mansions by the time you leave. The most important places in Newport are relatively close enough to each other so you wont have to spend a whole lot of time driving to get from one place to another. I would defintely have some sort of plan though and know exactly what you want to see and know where they are so you don%26#39;t spend too much time trying to find them.
Where in the Cape are you going, may I ask?
Thanks for the advice! We haven%26#39;t decided yet where to stay on the Cape. We have 2 or 3 nights. I know it%26#39;s difficult but we want to avoid the big crowds if possible. I read good things about Falmouth, Brewster, Eastham,... What would you suggest? Our plan is to hit the beach for an afternoon, visit some nice villages, walk around, maybe bicycle, and do a whale-watching trip.
We are not planning to visit Martha%26#39;s Vineyard.
I%26#39;m not all that knowledgeable on the Cape but when I go, I stay in Dennisport. It%26#39;s right next to Yarmouth. If you look at a map of the Cape, it%26#39;s pretty much in the middle. I do know that Chatham (by the elbow) and Hyannis have main streets with a lot of shops and stores. Hyannis is also where the John F Kennedy Museum is located.
As far as beaches go, my best experience has been with beaches on the north side of the Cape. The water is clearer and during high tide, you can walk out a long way and not be underwater. Mayflower Beach in Dennis is really nice. Found a lot of sand dollars there.
I hear Provincetown (the tip) is really nice but it is a long ride.
Hi Everyone
Last Year My wife (Lyn) and I took what was to date our holiday of a life time to America. Our fabulous journey took in Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Bryce and Zion National Parks, Death Valley, Mammoth Lakes, Yosemite, San Francisco, Monterey, Cambria and Los Angeles – we loved our trip so much that this year we have already booked our flights to visit New England the first 3 weeks in October.
When planning last year’s trip to the US I spent a lot of time speaking to TAs who provided us with invaluable information that made a real difference to the quality of our holiday experience.
So I am back again to ask again for your time and help.
We have done a little research so far but the only thing that is set in concrete is the flights – we fly into Boston on the 30th September 2009 and fly out of Washington on 22nd October.
Our main objective is to see the beautiful countryside in the fall – so scenic drives are our number 1 priority – we really enjoyed the coastal drive between San Francisco and Los Angeles last year and Lyn would like to include another coastal drive on this trip. We also want to see the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia.
So as usual we have a very packed schedule to fit in – as with last year we appreciate that we will not be able to do justice to all the lovely places that will be available but as with our trip last year it was better to get a glimpse of some of the most stunning scenery that America has to offer than to miss it all together.
This is a very, very rough first draft of a proposed itinerary:-
Wed 30th September – Boston
Thursday 1st October – Boston
Friday 2nd October – Boston to either Camden or Warren Island or Islesboro Island Maine – 220 miles 4.5 hours
Saturday 3rd October – Camden or Warren Island or Islesboro Island
Sunday 4th October Camden or Warren Island or Islesboro Island to Moosehead Lake – 100 miles 3.5 hours. Taking in the scenic Lakes and Leaves drive on Route 15
Monday 5th October Moosehead Lake
Tuesday 6th October - Moosehead Lake to Lincoln (New Hampshire) –
Moosehead to Bingham 40 miles – 30 mins (or is this the Lakes and Leaves drive)
Bingham to Albany – 163 miles – 3 hours (via Jackson)
Albany to Lincoln - 37 miles – 1 hour - (Kancamagus Scenic Highway – New
Hamp taking in the Sabaday Falls)
Wednesday 7th October – Lincoln to Williamstown
Lincoln to Woodstock – 92 miles – 2.25 hours
Woodstock to Killington - 20 miles – 25 mins (Vermont – Scenic Drive)
Killington to Williamstown - 82.miles – 1.75 hours
Thursday 8th October – Williamstown
Friday 9th October Williamstown to Narragansett
Williamstown to Shirley – 100 miles – 2.25 (Massachusetts – Mohawk Trail)
Shirley to Woodstock – 55 miles (1.25 hours)
Woodstock to Lisbon – 35 miles – 1 hour (Connecticut – Route 160)
Lisbon to Narragansett – 37 miles – 1 hour 10 minutes
Saturday 10th October – Narragansett
Sunday 11th October Narragansett – New York
Narragansett to Westlery – 25 miles – 40 minutes (Rhode Island Coast Scenic Drive)
Westerly to New York – 145 miles – 2.75 hours
Monday 12th October – New York to Baltimore
New York to Philadelphia - 102 miles – 2 hours
Philadelphia to Baltimore – 102 miles – 2 hours
Tuesday 13th October Baltimore to The Rockfish Gap
Baltimore to Front Royal Virginia– 107 miles – 2 hours (start of Skyline Drive)
Front Royal to Rockfish Gap (Skyline Drive)102 miles – 2 hours
Wednesday 14th October - Rockfish Gap
Thursday 15th October – Rockfish Gap to The Rocky Knob Cabins
Rockfish Gap to The Rocky Knob Cabin (Blue Ridge Parkway) - 160 miles 3 hours
Friday 16th October – The Rocky Knob Cabins
Saturday 17th October – The Rocky Knob Cabins to Lauda – 260 miles 4.5 hours
Sunday 18th October – Lauda
Monday 19th October - Lauada to Atlanta – 149 miles 3 hours
Tuesday 20th October - Atlanta – Washington (Flight $160 each 1.5 hrs flight)
Wednesday 21st October - Washington
Thursday 22nd October – Fly home Washington to Heathrow
As I say this is all very provisional at the moment and anything and everything is up for change – but as you know you have to start somewhere.
Be very grateful for your comments – have I missed any ‘must sees’
Thanks in advance
I am very confused. I%26#39;m trying to read through your itinerary and I see some problems. I see you going from Maine to Lincoln, N.H. That%26#39;s fine. Then I see Lincoln to Bingham. I have no idea where Bingham is. Do you mean Binghamton, N.Y.? Then there%26#39;s back to Lincoln from Bingham. Why go back to Lincoln if you%26#39;ve already been there? Shirley to Woodstock? The only Woostock I am familiar with is Woodstock, Vermont. Woodstock to I assume Lisbon, Connecticut is much longer than 55 miles. Shirley, Mass to Lisbon is much further than 55 miles. The Mohawk Trail is a nice drive, but ending it around Greenfield, Mass is better than pushing on to Shirley. Basically everything after Greenfield becomes more industrialized, city like and not very scenic.
Second, the driving! I was tired just reading all these places you want to drive to. It seems more like a trip to do a mad dash and see as many places as possible, without allowing yourselves time to enjoy each stop. Remember, east coast driving is more congested and slower going than the great, wild west you visited last year. Also, remember that you are visiting all these places during the ';peak'; of the Fall season. You may have trouble finding a place to bed down for one night in the more popular places. Many of these destinations start with a two night minimum stay. So, just keep that in mind.
Your not going to find a coastal drive like that of The Pacific Coast Highway along the east coast. There%26#39;s good stretches of coastal driving to enjoy, but you need to hop off the main interstate and take the slower roads. Driving Route 1 in Maine is the best scenic, ocean drive I can think of.
Lastly, I notice some destinations that don%26#39;t warrant a visit. Albany, New York? What do you want to see in Albany? Same goes for Lisbon, CT. Westerly, Rhode Island is a great spot to visit during the summer season, but I wouldn%26#39;t stop there on my way to New York. Stop off at Mystic, CT instead. Narragansett is a nice town to visit and the coastal drive along the Rhode Island coast is nice. No prblems there. No Newport, R.I. in your itinerary? No Cape Cod, Mass.?
Skyline Drive is a nice drive. You%26#39;ll like that. It may be a little bit crowded on the roadways down there too, but it should be enjoyable.
I would spend a little more time tweaking your itinerary and cut back on the driving a little bit. Feel free to ask more specific questions and I%26#39;ll try and give you some advice.
Thanks Will - great advice - this is just what I need - I have done a little research before I posted but to be honest some of it was filled in with a little guesswork just by looking at a map and seeing a town in convenient stopping point.
Your type of feedback is invaluable - this will help a lot develop a revised itinerary.
I realise that its a lot of driving and it may be too much - others have said the same - I must admit I was assuming that the driving conditions would be the same as the West Coast which they are clearly not.
Thanks again
Take care
I agree that you are not getting the best of what you want to see with this itinerary. The east coast is very different then the west coast. As the other posted said you will have to get off the main road to see great sites. You definitely have some sites not worth seeing, like Albany on your itinerary and others missing. Route 1 in Maine through Bar Harbor is great and since you will be there in fall I would not miss route 100 through the Stowe area. I will try to out line some highlights in another post. I will have to ponder this for a few moments. I agree that it is too much driving for the east. Also Moosehead Lake, although beautiful, I a far drive from the coast. If you want to go through New York I would suggest Lake Placid and taking the ferry over to Vermont and drive down for leaf peeping. As I said I will take a look and get back to you in a separate post.
Yes, forget Albany and Binghamton. If you want to go to Narragansett, then you really must go to Newport, its only a half hour away. If you had to make choices, I would choose RI over Maine, I think RI is more interesting and generally as beautiful as that part of Maine you were planning -plus we have lobster and steamers too. The part of Maine that is really magnificent is further north. Also if you are going to the NH mountains than the Virginia mountains will not be sooo different. I think most agree that NH mountains are nicer. Route 25 in NH is lovely driving. Once you go to NH, then the Berkshires in MA are no big thing, though pretty enough. Also you say two hours from NY to Philly, -if you are lucky. It would take you an hour just to get out of NYC. When you are in NYC, you%26#39;ll likely want to spend an extra day there too, as its tons of fun!
I%26#39;ll throw my two cents in on a portion of the trip. Narragansett is nice ( I have a second home there) but not much to do at that time of year. I would go to Newport instead. Much more scenic with the wharfs and you could tour a mansion or two and take a sailboat tour. To avoid crowds in Newport plan to visit during the week instead of weekend. If you love the bustle of the crowds then the weekend is best.
Narragansett is mostly a summer destination for the beach, which in Oct. it would be chilly for swimming anyway.
Mystic Ct. is also a popular tourist town.
In Maine, I like the Ogunquit, Kennebunk areas or Bar Harbor.
Glad you%26#39;re enjoying all the beauty the states have to offer.
Some suggestions...
Day 1 Boston (2 nights) stop in Cape Ann
Day 3 Newport (Spend 2 nights), stay at Castlehill Inn
Day 5 Newport -- Cape Cod -- Take Ferry to either Martha%26#39;s Vineyard or Nantucket (spend a night or 2)
In MV stay in Charlotte Inn - In Nantucket - White Elephant
Day 6 MV or Nantucket - stop in Portsmouth, NH, make your way toward Freeport, ME, and then to Kennebunkport (spend the night)
Nice places to stay: White Barn Inn, Inn at Bufflehead Cove
Day 7 Kennebunkport - then to Ogunquit, Camden and up to Bar Harbor (spend 2 nights)
Day 9 Bar Harbor then make your way Back toward Portland Make way across New England Franconia%26#39;s Notch (spend the night)
Adair is a nice place to stay.
Day 11 Franconia%26#39;s Notch and drive toward Stowe, VT (spend 2 nights)
Places to stay - Trapp Family Lodge, Top Notch Inn, rentalsatstowe.com
Day 12 Stowe to Burlington to catch Ferry to New York, drive to Lake Placid (spend 2 nights)
Nice place to stay: Lake Placid Lodge
Day 14 Lake Placid Make your way down toward NY/DC
You can stop in Litchfield Connecticut (spend the night) or go directly to NYC.
The New England Itinerary makes a big loop through New England). If you want to make fewer stops I would drop Lake Placid although it is a nice place to see and the ferry ride from Vermont is lovely.
You can take your southern tour from here. I think it is VERY ambitious to try to fit in Atlanta. If you prefer countryside I would consider Savannah, GA and/or Charleston, NC - this will give you a since of history steeped in antebellum architecture. Stopping in Chesapeake Bay before or after is a possibility again, depending on how much you plan on fitting in. I would probably cut a couple of things out and enjoy the rest stops.
Day 16 through 21 - south
Hillside68 and 2wise4u thank you for your very useful comments - putting the itinerary together was really a bit hit and miss - I of course have no idea what the locations are like - they are just places on a map at the moment - you have really described some terrific alternatives and much more the sort of thing that we are looking for.
2firenze - what a star you are - thank you so much for the time and effort that you have spent with your suggested revisions to the itinerary - it is very much appreciated.
We received so much useful information last year when we visited the SWUSA which made a tremendous difference to the quailty of our visit - the NE has been exactly the same and we do appreciate your time and feedback.
Take care
Oh yes, if you go far enough south and enjoy a bit of american history, Charlottesville Va has two american presidents homes. Monticello ( Thomas Jefferson) and Ashlawn. You could pick up skyline drive from that area.
Our son lived on the outskirts of Charleston, S.C for awhile and that area was very nice as well.
If you have three weeks, you might want to aim for ten days in the Northeast and then ten days further south.
Looks like you%26#39;re getting a nice itineary together.
It is true. It would be nice to visit Monticello ( Thomas Jefferson) and Ashlawn and pick up skyline drive from there. There are vinyards you can stop in for tastings as well. Again, enjoy and glad I could make suggestions. Hope you have a great trip. Let us know how it works out.
The itinerary is now coming together nicely - thanks again - I will post the revised itinerary although it may take a few days as I think it will need a major overhaul.
Big decision now is whether to stay the whole trip in New England or include the Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway - I think we have already decided to skip New York.
Oh it would be so nice to drive the Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway as well - but I know the advice I%26#39;m receiving is sensible.
Decisions, decisions!!
Thanks again
I%26#39;m visiting my brother who%26#39;s attending the Naval Academy Prep School. I%26#39;m planning on flying into Providence, and then we%26#39;re taking Amtrak to DC for a few days. How far is the Amtrak station from the airport, and what would be the best way to get there?
I%26#39;m a little confused....the Naval Academy Prep school is in Newport, RI...so, are you going to Newport first, and then heading to DC? If so, you can get to the Kingston, RI train station from Newport via a cab or van service. It%26#39;s about 20 minutes away.
Or, are you heading right to the train station after flying into PVD and not going down to Newport...in that case, you%26#39;d want to take a cab or RIPTA bus to downtown Providence, and leave from the Providence station.
We%26#39;re doing a little backtracking in RI. I%26#39;m going from the airport to NAPS, then we%26#39;re heading up to Providence for dinner and taking Amtrak from there. What would be the best way to accomplish moving around RI for two starving college students :P
If you don;t have a car, RIPTA runs all over the state.
I am going to Providence next March 20 for 2 days. I would like to know which th best location to stay and if there are recomendations about hotels U$D 100/120
Thanks a lot,
In the center of Downcity. Try Courtyard by Mariott, Westin, Biltmore, Hilton, or Renaissance. Go to WWW.goprovidence.com for more info on accomodations, things to do, places to eat, tour guides, etc.
Hello Federico
I would recommend Hotel Dolce Villa (www.dolcevillari.com) located in the %26#39;italian neighborhood%26#39; of Federal Hill just outside of downtown Providence. The location is very historic and beautiful with over a dozen very authentic Italian restaurants in walking distance. The hotel itself has decent sized rooms all with full kitchens and living rooms. The decor is really unique inside with a white and silver theme, unlike what we%26#39;re used to seeing at chain hotels. The best way to get a deal is through checking online booking sites like Expedia; the hotel%26#39;s website promises to beat any price you find online.
Enjoy your trip to Providence and good luck! It%26#39;s a really nice little city.
I am interested in going to Block Island for 2 nights in mid-May. Can anyone advise on the weather at that time? Also, will the shops %26amp; restaurants be open? We are planning a mid-week visit.
Thank you!
The weather in May is usually cool and windy. Dress warm, after the sun goes down it can get real cold. Of course rain is always a possibility at this time of the year.
Many of the shops and restaurants will still be closed but you can always find something open to get some food. May is a great time to visit Block Island. It%26#39;s like you have the whole island to yourself. Just don%26#39;t expect a whole lot to be open.
My wife and I live in NYC and are celebrating her 30th bday. We both like non-traditional tourist visits. We love laid back towns with great seafood, lobster/chowder shacks, and great bars with friendly locals.
Can anyone recommend a fun town to visit that isn%26#39;t too far of a drive from NYC where we can get a no frills room, have a great lobster dinner and get drunk with locals?
You don%26#39;t mention when her birthday is, and that%26#39;s important as far as what will be open, especially the seafood shacks. If you%26#39;re planning on coming in May or later, then consider the town of Narragansett. It%26#39;s certainly much more laid back than say Newport, but it still offers plenty to do and see. Get a room at the Anchor Motel and visit the villages of Point Judith and Galilee for all your seafood shack cravings. Also, if you follow route 108 south past Aunt Carrie%26#39;s and Iggy%26#39;s seafood jionts, there%26#39;s a nice dirt road turn off on your right hand side called Camp Cronin. GREAT spot to enjoy your food while you gaze out at Block Island in the distance. Narragansett also has plenty of watering holes around town, and several near the Anchor Motel.
Thanks for the update! We%26#39;re travelling the weekend of May 16th. Do you think those spots you mentioned will be open?
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. To answer your question, yes, most everything will be open by then. There%26#39;s a couple places that wait until Memorial Day, but nothing that should stop you from going. Aunt Carrie%26#39;s is open weekends only until Mem. Day, but you would be going on the weekend anyways.
I do want to correct one little mistake I made concerning Camp Cronin. It%26#39;s actually on Ocean Road, not Route 108. Route 108 ends at Iggy%26#39;s and Aunt Carrie%26#39;s. So, you would head down Ocean Road to reach it. I always urge people to go there, because it%26#39;s such a beautiful spot, with the breakwalls, small beach and the Point Judith lighthouse off to the left.
Anchor Motel is right on Ocean Road across the street from Scarborough Beach. Scarborough is a beautiful beach to take a stroll on and it%26#39;s right across the road from the Anchor. The Anchor is very reasonable and very clean. Highly recommend it.
From the Anchor, you can head north into the main village area of Narragansett, where the town beach is located. There%26#39;s lots of shops and restaurants in this area, like the famous Coast Guard House. There is a beautiful, long seawall here where many folks like to congregate and look at out the ocean. There%26#39;s a really good pub on Boon Street called PJ%26#39;s if you want to check that out. It%26#39;s about a 3 block walk from the seawall. Heading south along Ocean Road from the Anchor will take you down towards Point Judith, where the aforementioned Aunt Carrie%26#39;s, Iggy%26#39;s and the lighthouse are loacated. Also located down there is Okie%26#39;s Bar %26amp; Grill and Charlie O%26#39;s Tavern, both fine for quenching your thirst.
For your Lobster dinner, I recommend heading over to Galilee, a charming fishing village in Narragansett. You will have several restauraunts there to choose from. I recommend George%26#39;s of Galilee. It%26#39;s located right on the beach and is casual attire. A great choice for a lobster dinner, both boiled or baked. They even offer the King George Lobster if you are really hungry. Another one of my favorite spots there is Champlin%26#39;s Seafood Deck. It%26#39;s located along the breachway, where you can watch the fishing fleet come and go. This place is really good for fried seafood and lobster. Galilee can be reached by taking the Galilee Escape Road off Route 108 ( Point Judith Road). Hope this helps, if you decide on Narragansett on your destination. I know neither one of you will be disappointed.
Can anyone recommend the top restaurants in Newport? We are open to all kinds of food, but we would like good quality food and service.
You didn%26#39;t mention what your budget is, and therefore I would recommend checking out the Newport restaurant reviews on this site. Just click on the '; Restaurants'; link over on the left. This town offers a wide variety of choices catering to all different tastes and budgets.
From my own personal experience, my wife and I have had excellent meals at Pier 49, The Red Parrot, and The Mooring to name a few. Bear in mind that when in Newport we tend to gravitate towards casual places mostly. There is no doubt that you%26#39;ll be able to find something you like. Good luck, and enjoy!
Castle Hill for a true experience.
The Spiced Pear at the Chanler has been getting mixed reviews.
Bouchards always gets raves for it%26#39;s French menue.
White Horse Tavern for an old Colonial romantic setting.
Those are the higher end restaurants.
Slightly less expensive:
The Mooring
Clarke Cooke House
22 Bowens
Black Pearl (Commodore%26#39;s Room)
Tuckers Bistro
More Casual:
Red Parrot
Brick Alley Pub
Black Pearl (Tavern)
Scales and Shells
5th Element
Salvation Cafe
go to www.gonewport.com and check out the ';where to eat'; pages...there are links to most places and menues.
hands down Brick Alley Pub. I basically make it there once a week and enjoy it every time. A+ for food and 9 times out of 10 exceptional service. It is a pub though, nothing too fancy.
Tucker%26#39;s Bistro - highly recommended!! Great food, great atmosphere. My husband and I talk about going back to RI just for Tucker%26#39;s.
Pronto - very cozy place w/ really good food.
As another poster replied, it all depends on what you consider a ';top'; restaurant.
For some people it is a matter of value, relatively good food and decent service at a reasonable price.
For others it is primarily about the atmosphere, whether they prefer informal or more formal etc, and for others it is all about the price so long as the food is edible.
For those who are into fine dining, the top restaurants are those where the food is creative, prepared properly, presented attractively on the plate and served with elegance and professional skill, in attractive surroundings. In Newport, as noted above, those choices include Castle Hill, Bouchards, White Horse Tavern, Black Pearl Commodore Room, and some chef-owned smaller places as well. All are pricey, but you get what you pay for (probably best to avoid the Spiced Pear even though it tries to emulate the others above since the reports from there are so uneven).
As suggested, go online, check out menus and prices and you can figure it out.
My husband and I are planning a trip to Boston and Cape Cod in early May. We were thinking about having 1-2 nights in Newport.
Can anyone recommend a place to stay (looking at budget of around $200/night). Would want somewhere that we could walk to restaurants for dinner.
You didn%26#39;t mention if you%26#39;ll be staying in Newport during the week, or on a weekend. That can make a big difference in the rate you%26#39;ll pay. The place I always recommend is The Admiral Fitzroy Inn, which after sampling several Newport properties is a personal favorite of my wife and I. It has an excellent location on Thames Street, and also offers free off street parking. If you%26#39;ll be there during the week, the rates come in under $200.00 a night. Weekends can still be under that rate up until May 7th.
Check out all the positive reviews on this site, and you%26#39;ll see why we always stay there. Best bang for the buck in Newport in my opinion.
We would probably stay Sat and Sunday night (9/10May).
Were thinking about 5 nights in Boston, 2 nights in Newport (or somewhere else in the area) and 5 nights in Cape Cod
There are a couple of places just outside of Newport in Middletown that could work for you. On May 8-10 you can stay at either the Residence Inn, or Hampton Inn for about $200.00 a night. While I%26#39;ve never stayed in either of these places, they seem to be rated well. Check them out here: tripadvisor.com/Hotels-g54095-Middletown_Rho…
I have no doubt that you%26#39;ll find something suitable for your needs. Have a great trip!
Actually, there are a few more on that page besides the two that I mentioned that may work for you as well. I%26#39;m sure that you%26#39;ll find something. Good luck!
The Newport Marriott hotel is offering rooms for your weekend at $209. The hotel is in a great location for shopping and dining along Thames Street as well as the Wharf areas. Just something to consider if you don%26#39;t want a B%26amp;B experience.
We live approx. 1hr from Newport and want to drive down 4/25 (Saturday) for lunch, sightseeing,dinner,drinks,and breakfast. Would like to be able to park and spend the rest of the time on foot. Seems many hotels have a two night minimum so our choices are limited. Any suggestions? B%26amp;B recommendations? Any thoughts are appreciated
Now is a great time to go to Newport. The weather is good and the crowds are small. So doing all that you asked is more than able. You%26#39;ll enjoy yourself..
If you have a vehicle then you could look into staying in near by middletown,ri and have a short 3-5 minute drive..
I think your best bet is to drive down that Saturday as planned and find a room when you get there. Trying to book a one night stay on a Saturday in advance is near impossible. The hotels hold all the power then to get you to commit to a 2 night stay. But, I%26#39;m sure you will find something on the day of, especially since late April is far from peak season down there. There should be rooms available for the night. Try the Newport Marriott, Newport Harbor Hotel, Hyatt on Goat Island, bigger places like that.
I%26#39;ve checked a bunch of websites and all of them offer rooms for just the 25th at most of the hotels and Inns....where are you looking that you are told there is a two night minimum, B%26amp;B%26#39;s? They%26#39;re crazy if they think they can requiree that this early in the season, I%26#39;d be surprised if they%26#39;ll even be able to get that this summer (with the possible exception of some popular B%26amp;B%26#39;s)
I did notice on Hotwire, that the Hyatt on Goat Island is $131 for that night. Probably even cheaper on Priceline.
Or follow Will%26#39;s advice and wait until you get down. Stop by the Visitors Center to see if their are any day of specials.
Thank you for the replies and advice. I was floored to think a one night stay was out of reach. Did get one at the Marriott so we are good to go.Next time I%26#39;ll take your advice and just drive down and find a room. Thanks again, I%26#39;m sure we%26#39;ll have a great time.
Am looking to rent a 2bedroom house or condo in Newport in mid August. Does anyone have any suggestions on reliable websites or companies that offer such listings? We want to make sure we get a nice, clean, nicely situated place.
You won%26#39;t find any professional rental agencies for short term/weekly rentals in Newport. The city does not allow rentals for less than 30 days. There are people who try and rent anyway on Craigslist or VRBO but you%26#39;ll have to look for references. There is also no guarantee as they aren;t legally allowed to do it.
There are rental companies that work in near by Middletown,which allows weekly rentals.
Maybe riliving.com?? That is the predominant online RE site here.
You could check VRBO.com. There are several listings there for places in Newport. If you can, try to ask for references. Good luck with your search - have a fun vacation!!
Try cyberrentals.com or homeaway.com for listings.
FYI if interested, I own a week at the end of August I am willing to rent. It is a two bedroom at the Newport Onshore and the week is the 21st to the 28th. Feel free to contact me if interested.
This thread inspired me to look into property rentals as opposed to staying in a hotel or inn. As a matter of fact, we found a property we%26#39;re very interested in, and will probably book for the summer of 2010.
We only want to rent for one week, but certainly did not want to break any laws. Due to the fact that I have seen so many rental properties in Newport advertising not only weekly, but nightly rates, I contacted the City Manager. What he told me is that yes it is illegal to rent properties for less than 30 days if the property is in a residential zone. If the property is in a commercial zone, such as the Thames St. or Memorial Blvd. areas then it is ok. He also told me that the City Council is discussing changing this law to include residential areas.
If you want to know which zone a property that you%26#39;re considering is in, you can contact the Planning Deptartment (401-845-5451) and they%26#39;ll let you know. Hope this helps others out there that are considering doing this.
While that is true, they still have to have a rental license which many do not....just a heads up.
They seem to crack down every couple of years by cruising the websites posing as renters and getting the exact address....haven%26#39;t heard of anything lately though.
I hope they pass the weekly rental law, for some reason, the city council in the past has assumed that allowing weekly rentals would INCREASE the partiers...evedince has shown that it encourages more families and less of the ';party house'; group of 20 - 30 chipping in for a month or the entire summer.
Well, at least the law change is under discussion, and that%26#39;s a good thing. I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;re right in that many families out there would love to rent a house in Newport for a week or two. I would think most working families aren%26#39;t able to take a month or two off from work as opposed to college students who get the whole summer off. I do hope that the change does goes through.
Just a heads up to anybody planning on visiting the Breakers. They have switched to the audio tours, and done away with the guided tours. This should speed up the wait during busy times, and allow the visitor a chance to customize their tour, and go at their own pace.
Don%26#39;t know where to start so I%26#39;m asking for help from my friends on TA. I need to plan a trip for 2 families to a beach in southern Mass or RI for the last week in July.
Our party includes 5 kids ages 1-7. Most are from the SW and will be the only time they ever see the ocean. I need to find an modestly priced location near a beach with waves, sand, shells and preferably tide pools. I%26#39;m thinking of eliminating much of Cape Cod due to the crowds in July. These folks are not really into activities and just want to see the beach and pop up to the NE aquarium for a day.
Any suggestions for RI or Mass? Westport? Little Compton? Narragansett? Wareham? Dartmouth? Buzzards Bay?
You%26#39;re smart in sticking to those areas because the water is a lot warmer, than the Cape and Boston areas. Little Compton, Westport, Dartmouth, are very, very pretty rural ag areas with not that many beaches, often private. Horseneck Beach and Little Compton Town beach are the two main ones. Horseneck has the potential to be so rough that swimming is sometimes closed. Little Compton is very out of the way, but that could be a good thing, you%26#39;ll pay for the solitude though.
There are more beaches in RI to choose from, some are smaller and known for being more mellow, kids beaches, like Third Beach and Gooseberry on Aquidneck Island. Narragansett, Charlestown, Misquamicut, and the south coast of RI all have big, nice beaces with more going on the area.
Narragansett would offer several beach options. Scarborough Beach can have more rolling surf, while Sand Hill Cove (AKA Roger Wheeler Beach) has gentle waves, a playground on the beach and they used to offer craft time for little kids ( don;t know if they still offer that now). Both are state beaches and have large parking lots ( you pay a daily per car parking fee) and both have bathhouses and concession stands.
You can find a house to rent for a week that will allow you to save some $$ on meals. Many rentals will have washer/dryers which will be a help with five kids! Many also have DVD players so you can rent a movie or two to entertain the kids!
For a prime week like end of July, you%26#39;re kind of late in reserving a house but there should be some left. Check cyberrentals.com (owners listings)OR for realtor listings try Durkin cottages.
There are also movie theatres and a bowling alley near by in case you have a rainy day.
I agree with the previous posters who both mention Narragansett as a good choice. I love their beaches and there%26#39;s plenty to do and see, yet without the massive crowds and the highter costs of Cape Cod. You may even want to consider visiting the Mystic Seaport and Aquarium instead of going all the way up to Boston. Mystic is a nice town to visit and the Aquarium is very good.
Before you write off Cape Cod, be advised most of the bay side beaches are unlike any other beaches around.....shallow and warm.
Everytime we visit one, we always think how perfect these beaches are for little ones because for most of the day, you can go out into the water for almost 1 mile!!!! and it gets no deeper than 3 or 4 feet.
It is sometimes 6-12 inches deep for the 1st hundred yards....with plenty of tidal pools. So, given the age group of your kids, it might be worth looking into.
Generally known as the Brewster flats, there are probably a dozen beaches in each direction and surprisingly uncrowded.
Holy cow! You guys have some great information! Thank you! be sure to write me if you%26#39;re ever headed to Finger Lakes Wine Country. Thanks so much!
Hello all! I am planning on proposing to my girlfriend in April at Castle Hill. I will be going there before that day to scope out a good spot for it. Can anyone give me any thoughts on this? Any good ideas? Originally thinking near the lighthouse, but not sure if this would be the best spot - anything better?
Thank you!
IMO, that%26#39;s probably your best bet...it%26#39;s down a path that will be more ssecluded, especially in April. It will be interesting to see if some people have other options....
Most of the people I deal with in the summer have severe difficulty getting to the lighthouse over there. Either they don%26#39;t know which road to take or it%26#39;s blocked off or something. Just a heads up because I always have people come into my visitor center asking how to get to the lighthouse and they never can.
There is no vehicle access to the lighthouse. You have to park in either the lower or upper parking lots and then walk to the lighthouse. In good weather it is a beautiful walk; in poor weather it can be less exciting.
Another location is the wedding photo area on the edge of the water just above the wedding tent area.
If the weather does not cooperate, you can also speak with the hotel staff to arrange something indoors.
My husband and I were at dinner there one evening when the wait staff came to a young couple%26#39;s table with a small cake with a lit candle. When the woman said, ';What%26#39;s this for?';, he said, ';pick it up';, and underneath was a ring in small box. He then said, ';Will you marry me?';, and when she said yes the entire dining room started clapping. I%26#39;ve often wondered what we would have done if she said, ';I%26#39;ve got to think about it';?
Local Observer... that is adorable.
Yes, it%26#39;s true if the weather does not cooperate it can be a long walk but we have never had any trouble finding it. (see my icon) ;)
Thanks for your replies! One thing that is now on my mind....what if it rains? Is there anywhere (besides the restaurant) where I could pop the question where weather wouldn%26#39;t be an issue (as a plan B)? only two weeks away!
Thank you for your help!
There is no gazebo or other sheltered outdoor area at this time of year.
You could always use the inn%26#39;s bar/lounge if you are not staying there or eating there; it is usually fairly quiet at this time of year.
It is stunning at sunset outside on the lawn, but I agree if the weather is not cooperating the bar area is typically quiet, but very elegant, as a plan B. Either way its a beautiful place and I%26#39;m sure she will be thrilled! Good Luck!
Thanks for everyone%26#39;s help. We were able to go with a plan B indoors and the staff was great. They set up the table upstairs in the Turret Suite - it was an amazing time!
(and she said yes!)
Glad it went well, and congratulations!
Was it raining? What made you divert to Plan B?
Hi All,
My wife and I are looking to go to Newport RI to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary at the beginning of July this year. We are from Dublin Ireland and both in our thirties and we were trying to get an idea of what Newport is like aside from sailing. What will the weather be like ?
Are there nice beaches in Newport ? Does it have a good restaurant/bar/nightlife scene(not crazy or wild but not dead by 10pm etc). Are there good tours around the area? Can we get to Martha%26#39;s Vineyard from Newport?
Any help we be greatly appreciated !
Newport is a very enjoyable destination in the summer. It has quaint shops, lively wharf areas, mansions, a cliff walk which is very nice, a couple of nice parks, and more.. Seeing that you want to visit in early July, be aware that our Independence Day falls on July 4, which means Newport will be even more celebratory than usual.
Newport has no shortage of beaches. The largest is Easton%26#39;s Beach (known as 1st Beach) There%26#39;s also the beautiful Gooseberry Beach which is a protected beach with calm waters. Lastly is Sachuest Beach (known as 2nd Beach) which is actually in Middletown but close by and very popular with the Newport crowd.
Newport is chock full of excellent restaurants, from low end to high end. The nightlife in Newport is good as well, with plenty of places to enjoy drinks, music and dancing. Most establishments close at 2AM.
You cannot get to Martha%26#39;s Vineyard from Newport, however you can catch a ferry there in nearby North Kingstown. It%26#39;s about a 20 minute drive to the ferry from Newport.
If you plan on visiting, I would seriously get busy on booking your stay now. It%26#39;s a very popular time to visit and places to stay will fill up quick.
Excellant !!
Thank you v much for your reply.
To add to Will%26#39;s thoughts, there is also a ferry to Block Island from Newport in the summer, in case you want something a little bit closer instead of going to the Vineyard.
Also check out www.gonewport.com for more links.
Ah the weather. July is either hazy, hot, and humid 85-90, or perfect pleasant summer weather 75-80 and not so humid. Ditto Block Island, it%26#39;s prettier and not as far or touristy.
My husband and I are looking for a 3 day getaway in May. Will be coming up there to spend some time alone together and money. Would like a nicer hotel and am willing to pay for it but want to be able to smoke in our room. Does this exist at all anymore? Thanks.
I know the Marriotts and Westin is smoke free. I%26#39;m not sure about the Hilton. I%26#39;m pretty sure the Biltmore and Hotel Providence still offer smoking rooms. Both are nicer hotels right in the Downtown area. The Biltmore is an older hotel while the Hotel Providence is a newer hotel that sits in a renovated historic building. While both are ';nice';, the Hotel Providence is nicer and therefore more expensive to stay there. I would call either hotel to check on the smoking policy.
Any suggestions for a restaurant serving lunch or brunch after the Johnson and Wales graduation? We have a party of 8.On May 23,Sat
Check out Go Providence%26#39;s dining guide.
My sister is coming to visit Providence for a few days at the end of July. Does Brown rent out there dorm rooms in any way? She is coming with two teenage daughters and we need some cheap accomodation.
Any ideas?
Did you contact Brown already? It might be worth it. Otherwise, all I can suggest is that you google B%26amp;Bs for Providence in general. I have never seen a B%26amp;B on the East Side but could be missing them. B%26amp;Bs won%26#39;t be cheap though! The East Side is considered very desirable so the prices reflect that. This could be tough for you as the city isn%26#39;t exactly cheap- cheaper than Boston but still its a city in New England!
Does it have to be on the East Side?
Check out this site for B%26amp;Bs in Providence
We will be visiting Providence next week. We are interested in making a day trip into New York, possibly by train, on Thursday. Is there a feasable and reasonably priced way to do this?
I%26#39;ll give you your options and you can decide if it%26#39;s feasable and reasonable.
Train: Arrive in New York about 10:30AM, leave New York around 8PM. R/T cost for 2 adults would be $260.
Bus: Arrive in New York about 11AM, leave New York at either 8 or 10PM. R/T cost for 2 adults is $150.
A rental car is also an option, but that would be alot of driving just for a daytrip.
If those options don%26#39;t seem feasable or reasonable, you might want to consider a daytrip into Boston. Much cheaper and since it%26#39;s only an hour away, it would allow you more time to explore.
Just what I needed to know, thanks.
If you enjoy driving, don%26#39;t dismiss it. It%26#39;s certainly doable, and kind of fun too. You could also drive to the South Norwalk, CT train station and take the train/commuter rail in from there. It would be about an hour, I think.
I would take the commuter train from New Haven, CT. It is a 2 hour trip from there. It%26#39;s do-able if you start early. It%26#39;s quicker if you drive all the way to NYC though.
How long is the ride to New Haven, and any idea how much it would cost?
Looking for a poster store similar to Mostly Posters in Boston...Any suggestions?
THinking of taking my wife to the concert, will be travelling from Albany and wanted to stay at the hotel at the stadium, $550/night. OUCH, so thought of staying away from the stadium in boston or Providence? any thoughts? We were looking at doing 2 nights and instead of driving to the concert,migh thire a limo to bring us (I hate parking crowds)
My advice is to forget the limousine idea. It%26#39;s much too expensive. You would need to rent it for 6 hours plus pay $125 for it to park in the same parking lot you would park your own car in. I would drive in yourself and pay the $40 to park. Coming up from Providence isn%26#39;t all that bad. Once you hit Route 1 nearing the stadium, the lanes go from 2 to 3 lanes, and you are directed to park across the street from the stadium. Coming down from Boston always has more traffic problems, with long backups common.
It%26#39;s your call on which city to stay in, but I would suggest Providence as the better option for a short stay with the concert being your main focus. Providence will be lighter on the wallet than Boston would be. Since the concert is on Sunday, you would have Saturday night in Providence and a very good chance of experiencing a WaterFire event along the river. Lots of really good restaurants in Providence as well.
Feel free to ask anymore questions you may have.
We are planning on staying at the Ocean Club in May. I haven%26#39;t seen many reviews on this place(1 in a year). Does anybody know anything about it?
Isn%26#39;t that a timeshare property on Misquamicut Beach?
Yes, it is. Do you know anything about it?
I really don%26#39;t. I remember seeing it when I was at the beach last summer. It%26#39;s backyard was basically the beach which must be nice. I did check out some reviews on yahoo about it and they were mixed. So I can%26#39;t really give you much more than that.
Thanks for responding. I, too, have seen the mixed messages. That%26#39;s why I thought I%26#39;d post to see if there was anybody from the area that knew more about the place
just wondering, how you made out, at this resort.
we are going for a week, in June and wanted to know, your opinion of the place. thanks. Sharon
I%26#39;ve been meaning to write...glad you asked. We were pleasantly surprised with the accomodations. I was mostly worried about cleanliness, and the place passed with no problems. We were in a 2 story unit with a private balcony off the bedroom.
A few items we brought to their attention:
Our hair dryer broke the 1st day, I reported it, but was never brought a new one.
I returned the coffee maker the 3rd day as it didn%26#39;t work, but, again, was never brought a new one.
The pool was awesome, very clean and warm! Hot tub worked great as well.
Some restaurant tips: Cooked Goose for breakfast was delicious. The italian deli at the top of Crandall St.(Fra something) was great as well. Got to check out the Fantastic Umbrella Company in Charlestown! Good luck
THANKS,very much, for the tips...sounds like it was a nice place. looking forward, to our week.
My family has stayed there on numerous weekends in spring. As said befores some of the amenities are cheap $10 walmart items and often don%26#39;t work. They said the pool was warm, and rooms were clean. Only major issue was the infestation of house centipedes. The gross ones as seen here
They are fast suckers that come out at night. Some of my family slept on the floor in sleeping bags and said they would see these jet over their sleeping bags. They traced their origin to a hole in a baseboard. They stuffed plastic bags in the hole for a piece of mind.
OMG, those are nasty looking things. I%26#39;m so glad I didn%26#39;t encounter them!
We stayed, last June, here and it was great!! The accomodations were very nice, for the timeshare owners. We had a guest and that extra room was a bit small, but the living room, kitchen, bathroom %26amp; loft bedroom were very nice and clean. You can leave your towels %26amp; sheets, outside, the front door, midweek and they wash and leave new ones. No one is ever IN your condo. It is a 5 min. walk, to the beach and close to all the restaurants. The indoor pool was very nice, also. We would definitely go back!
STAY AWAY!!! My sister and I were both contacted by Ocean Club for a free vacation to listen to the 90 minute presentation. We went with our husbands and carpooled (why wouldn%26#39;t we?). We were told when we got there, that only ONE couple would be eligible for the gift because we came in the same car!.. Does that make sense? We argued that we were not aware of that clause.. and why would that matter anyway? They were rude, and dismissive, like we were wasting THEIR time. As we left angrily, there were 3 salesmen hanging over the railings mocking us.. laughing, and saying we wouldn%26#39;t have liked it anyway, and how they were better off that we were leaving! Can you imagine that? It was the most unprofessional experience I have ever had. The place (from the outside) looked beaten down and shabby. Why would a company turn away possible business in this economy because we came in the same car? Our husbands were relieved that it happened before we had to go face to face with those sketchy salesmen. You could just tell it would have been a hellish 90 minutes and for a vacation in a run-down resort?.. No thanks.. AVOID this company at all cost.
I know they are very different. I would like to be close to downtown as well as the beaches. We like to be where there is activity, although I love the charm of a B%26amp;B and the hospitality. Please let me know what you know about these two different places. Thanks!
I have stayed at both places but have to say it was 20 plus years ago. They were as different as night and day, but not so much good and bad as a very different experience. The National is on the main drag, has live music and you can%26#39;t just sit on their porch without ordering drinks or food (even the back porch is like that now). However, the rooms at the National are very nicely appointed and the hotel cat even came in and slept with us, which was a nice touch.
We much preferred the Rose Farm. Secluded, romantic, a nice walk up from the main drag but not so far you need to cab it (although off the ferry with luggage you may). It is much more intimate, so if you are okay with much fewer folks, quiet solitude it is the place for you. You can have the best of both worlds by hanging out on the main drag until you%26#39;ve had your fill then take a romantic walk up the hill to the Rose Farm.
Have Fun! We actually loved BI so much we married at the Atlantic Inn (next door to Rose Farm) back in 1993. We honeymooned at 1661 Inn which is quite nice too, with private ocean balcony and jacuzzi%26#39;s
Thanks so much for your help. I did end up booking the National because the Rose Farm Inn had a 3-night minimum.
In todays economy, it%26#39;s a shame that some of these places have a 3 night minimum. We too tried to book the Rose Farm Inn, however, when they had the 3 night minimum rule (we can only stay 2 nights) - we needed to go elsewhere. They said if they don%26#39;t fill up, they%26#39;ll call back - however, by that time we will have made other arrangements.
It does stink, but I get the economics of it. The places on Block Island have such a short season that they have to fill up as many days as possible. Rose Farm Inn is ranked the #1 B%26amp;B in Block Island, so I%26#39;m sure they will get the business, even in this economy. All I%26#39;m hoping for now is good weather as the cancellation policy at these hotels are strict.
I booked the Rose Farm about 3 months ago for Memorial Day weekend and they took us for 2 nights, sat %26amp; sun only. I just asked. I noticed Newport did the same thing for us mast Memorial Day- their policy is 3, but it can%26#39;t hurt to ask. they want the guaranteed money.
For the dates that I wanted, Rose Farm quoted me a 3-night minimum. I%26#39;m sure Memorial Day weekend isn%26#39;t as busy as July because the weather can be iffy at that time. You are lucky though or either that they are off to a slow start with the economy. Thanks for the scoop and have fun on Block Island!
First-timer. Looking to stay for 2 days, but on a budget.
Don%26#39;t have a car, so I%26#39;d like to stay where the action is: Downtown.
Getting there via Amtrak (summer deal!), but can%26#39;t spend much. I%26#39;d say in the $100-300 range.
Looking on Priceline %26amp; Hotwire, as well as the hotel/motel websites and can%26#39;t see anything that I%26#39;d put actual head-to-pillow LOL! Some of these places look grimy, folks.
Suggestions, tips, all welcomed.
what are your dates?
Between July 13-17. Two of those days.
Not sure what hotels on Priceline, Hotwire, and other sites are scaring you, you can get a 3 1/2* on Hotwire (Probably the Hilton) for $58.
Basically if you stick to the major chains in the Downcity area you%26#39;ll be fine. (Westin, Courtyard Mariott, Hilton, Biltmore, Mariott, Renaissance) you%26#39;ll be fine. I would probably stay away from the Radisson becuase of it%26#39;s location and construction in the area...if you did get that on Hotwire or Priceline it wouldn;t be the end of the world, but the location is a little bit cut off from the Downcity area. You%26#39;ll be able to identify that on Hotwire as it doesn;t have a pool.
I generally visit Boston once a year and always head for the Cape for a few days of alone time. This year I want to try something different and explore Rhode Island but only having three days I don%26#39;t want to make a mistake in the things I choose to see and do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated with regard to lodging(clean, reasonable and preferably on the water or very near water), historical places, tours, biking, shopping, music, art shows, beaches and of course restaurants that serve great fish. L.A. has good sushi but that%26#39;s it unless you enjoy eating salmon everyday. I try to eat fish, pizza, chinese food and subs while I am back east. Is Block Island good for a day trip? It%26#39;s looks beautiful but seems to be better for boating and suning. I saw the mansions when I was young. Thanks!
We are going to Newport for my father%26#39;s 65th bday celebration. I was there last year with my girlfriends and we all said that if we came back, we would eat at the White Horse Tavern. Now that I am indeed heading back, I was thinking of having my father%26#39;s bday dinner at that restaurant. My concern is my 20 month old son. He is very good in restaurants, I just need to know if this restaurant is slow in terms of service and %26#39;stuffy%26#39; in terms of clientele. After all, my son is 20 months! eek!
Can anyone advise?
Yes it%26#39;s pretty ';stuffy'; old dark colonial style building, jackets suggested, slower service to allow diners to enjoy their time there....
Hit reply too soon. I know that the times I%26#39;ve been there the upstairs has seemed more ';livelier'; in terms of noise and such...although it%26#39;s mostly been groups of adults drinking and having a good time at dinner making the noise.
You may want to check with them if the have a small private room for your dinner. Service is slower and in a more formal atmosphere at the White Horse, so if your son gets antsy he can move around the room without bothering other customers, and you can enjoy your meal also.
Our little family (me, my husband and 3 boys - 1, 4 and 5 yrs) is planning on taking a road trip to visit family in Philadelphia at the end of June. We%26#39;re leaving the 24th and coming back the 1st. We plan to stop in NYC before heading on to Philly, but would like to make a stop at a beach on the way back. Our kiddies have never seen the ocean! And we have never been to Rhode Island, ourselves.
Can anyone suggest a good beach destination and accommodations for us? We%26#39;ll probably only be spending a day and night there before moving on.
Thanks so much!
Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum; this is actually my first post, haha. I took the family on a weekend trip to Rhode Island this weekend and wanted to share about our favorite stop while there.
On Saturday, my wife and I were trying to think of something fun to do with the kids when my brother in-law (who we were staying with) mentioned a place called Monster Mini Golf in Warwick. We took a look at their website and decided that it looked like a good idea.
Monster Mini Golf proved to be a great choice. The whole place is a fun experience. When we walked in, my 7 year old son who loves monsters, lit up with a huge smile due to the fact that the indoor course is completely decorated with different monsters and other ghoulish creatures.
The course is not at all expensive to play with prices ranging form 5.50-7.50 based on the height of the golfer. So we got our putters and our balls and hit the links and had a wonderful time.
Monster Mini Golf was a great find, for any age. I found it to be better then a movie because it was cheaper, and it is also hard to keep children quiet and comfortable for the entire time of a movie.
My whole family loved Monster Mini Golf so I thought I would share, I hope people find my little review useful. I suggest checking out their website because they have 23 locations, there could be one near you. www.monsterminigolf.com
In the early 1940%26#39;s my Grandparents lived in a building they say was called the ';Anchorage'; within walking distance to the Newport, RI naval base where my Grandfather was a trainer. They said it was new at that time and had 4 units. (Their apt. was 2 rooms). Can anyone tell me if this building is still around so I can photograph it when I%26#39;m on vacation there April 17-24? What street or address is it? I sure hope to find something out since I%26#39;ll be traveling there from Missouri.
I%26#39;ve never heard of it. The Naval Base is pretty spread out and neighborhoods abut it in both Newport and Middletown. If it was in Npt, I am thinking it was/is close to the water, maybe near the Point neighborhood or Van Zandt St. which is fairly near the old Navy Hospital---and the newer Walmart. There is a Newport History Museum and the historical society, maybe they can help you out. Enjoy your stay- it looks like the weather%26#39;s gonna be nice.
Thanks for some clues Hillside68. My mother and her sister were born at a ';Navy hospital'; there in 1941 and 1943. Would that be the old Navy hospital you speak of? Where exactly would that be - hoping I can drive by it? I%26#39;ve never been to Newport and my family has given me very little info. so any assistance appreciated.
I searched around the internet for you and came up with a ';Anchorage Neighborhood'; which is on Coddington Highway in Middletown. This is right near the Naval Base. I think it is (was) housing for the Base. It appears the whole property was about 28 acres and was for sale to a developer a few years back. An issue came up with contaminated ground soil and the developer and the Navy got into a fight over the sale. Anyways, I%26#39;m not sure ';what%26#39;s there'; now.
The Middletown Historical Society website may be of interest to you. It appears the Historical Society will be hosting a discussion on the bases history and impact on April 19th at the Library. You may find your questions answered there or by contacting the Historical Society.
Thank you WILL007. This surely must be what my ailing Grandmother remembers when she came up with the word ';Anchorage'; as their housing in the early 1940%26#39;s that my Grandfather could walk to from his trainer position on the Naval base. She said he walked to work on the base.
The Anchorage was not just a building, it was an entire military housing complex built at the beginning of WWII on military-owned land next to the Newport Naval Base.
It is located in Middletown, off Coddington Highway, and can be accessed also from the West Main Road. It was turned over to civilian ownership a few years ago, underwent a significant renovation and is now leasing out housing to both military and civilian households.
The original buildings were four units, two up/two down, and look much the same from the exterior today. Thus, you can photograph to your heart%26#39;s content, and if your grandparents have a street address you may even find the same building. You may even be able to get into a unit if they are still showing them to prospective renters.
Good luck.
PS-The Naval Hospital is now closed, though the original buildings can still be seen from the street. It%26#39;s not near The Anchorage, so you will have to ask directions to get to the former hospital site when you are in town.
I%26#39;m getting more and more confused the more I read!!!
We%26#39;re going to visit Rhode Island the last week of October (2009). Where would anyone suggest that we make our home base? We are interested in seeing the foliage, but also the Newport offerings.
Any ideas?
Not sure whats do confusing but...if you go anywhere north of RI to see the foliage, by the last week it will have faded. RI is still ok then. You could stay anywhere in mid to Southern RI, check out Newport and take some country drives in the area, to say Westport, MA or Eastern CT. People don%26#39;t really go to Npt to see foliage, that%26#39;s not to say its not pretty here too.
Hi Hannah128,
Make your base wherever you wish. Rhode Island%26#39;s small size makes it quite easy to reach all of it, including parts of Massachusetts and Connecticut as well. As mentioned, the coastal areas are not where you want to go for foliage. They just don%26#39;t have enough of the right kinds of trees for good color.
My only concern is your timing. Last week of October will be cutting it very very close with regards to the end of the foliage season. Most years it%26#39;s at peak around the 3rd week of October for Rhode Island, Southern Mass. and Conn. and ends about a week later. Hopefully you will get to see some good color while you%26#39;re up here. Forget traveling too far north to see it as it will be past peak. If it%26#39;s still in peak around R.I., take a trip up the Blackstone Valley National Corridor just north of Providence for some great color. Southeastern Massachusetts is another good area to focus on, as well as Eastern Connecticut. Come back here when it%26#39;s closer to your trip and I%26#39;ll give you a link to a foliage map you can use to guage where the color will be and plan your roadtrips accordingly.
So, as long as you have a car and there%26#39;s still color to be seen, I wouldn%26#39;t worry much about where you make your base. You could make it in Providence, Newport or most anywhere else in R.I. I would advise against basing yourself in extreme Southern, R.I., in towns like Narragansett, since you will just have to drive further to see foliage. Anywhere else will be fine.
Thanks so much Will. Your reponse was very, very helpful!!
Thank you for your comments.
Going to stay in Newport in August, where should I stay for access to the best beaches ?
Then you would want to rent a place in the Briarwood Ave, Newport Ave area in Middletown. THere are some hotels in that area too. Its just a half mile or so from Npt.
The best beaches (Second Beach and Gooseberry) are not really in commercial areas, you%26#39;d have to drive, bike, or take a trolley.
First beach has some hotels across from it, but it%26#39;s not the nicest beach for swimming...it%26#39;s ok for getting sun and walking, but better swimming is found elsewhere.
If you will be walking, try to find a place in Newport or nearby Middletown that is ';within walking distance'; (however you define that) to Easton%26#39;s (or First as it is also called locally) Beach. Middletown landlords can rent apartment/cottage units by the week and there are a number of such rentals near the beach as another poster has indicated. You can also walk to Second Beach from that neighborhood in Middletown, though its about a mile or so. Parking, however, is expensive, so walking is best if you can handle it.
Gooseberry Beach is on the Ocean Drive in Newport, and that city doesn%26#39;t allow weekly rentals (though some landlords do so illegally), and there is no nearby hotel, so a car and parking fees is probably necessary.
Third Beach is another option, even further out from Second Beach, and a car is necessary unless you are a real hiker. Third is great for young children since it is very calm. Second is best for body surfing most days, and board surfing at the west end.