Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is Folk Fest like?

We%26#39;re coming in for the folk festival, and were wondering what it was like? Is it family friendly? SMoky? Alcohol? Blankets? Chairs?

We%26#39;ve avoided larger festivals due to drunken college kids and portopotties.

Any info would be great!


What is Folk Fest like?

It%26#39;s not a very crazy scene....older and more laid back. It%26#39;s blankets and chairs...for years no alcohol was allowed, but they now have a section where they serve limited alcohol (beer and wine only I think) it an area that you have to stay in, not bring back to your blankets and chairs (At least that is how it was for the last 2 years) I don%26#39;t think it%26#39;s very smoky.

Most of the craziness is off shore on the boats. Even then it%26#39;s not like Lake Havasu or anything....

I think you still have porta-potties though.

What is Folk Fest like?

Also, typically its often hazy and hot, and there is no real protection from the elements.

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