So, I just figured out that what we really want in Newport is a really nice outdoor pool with a nice patio area. This hotel/motel can be in Aquidneck or Middletown, does not have to be Newport proper. The ocean is so cold and my niece will really, really like hanging out at a pool especially if there are other teenagers to hang out with. Can you help me out and help me rate the pools of Newport.
Hotel or Motel with an Outdoor pool
Not many pool scenes in Newport. The scene is at the beach. The Hyatt has an outdoor saltwater pool, but the pool deck is nothing great. Nice views of the Bay though.
Most other pools are indoor at the major hotels (Mariott, Viking, Newport Harbor Hotel)
Perhaps somebody might know of some places with outdoor pools, but I can%26#39;t think of too many in the area that would have teens hanging out there. Again, the teens hang out at the beaches.
Hotel or Motel with an Outdoor pool
okay the, which beaches do the teens hang out at? She is 13 going on 17.
Is there any place she could safely hang at night (with her aunt standing by non-chalantley not too far away?)
Second Beach in Middletown is the more popular of the beaches. All of the downtown wharfs and the park outside of Trinity Church and Starbucks seems to be popular hangouts. There%26#39;s also ryan Family amusements (Arcade) on Thames Street.
The Wellington on Thames(time share) has outdoor pool. Have not been there in a while but if outdoor pool is a must you may want to check it out.
2firenze%26#39;s post made me think of another. The Newport Onshore (Wyndham) has an indoor and outdoor pool that overlooks the marina. I know that I%26#39;ve seen teens that are staying either there or at the marina hanging by the pool.
Sanford Covell has a pool. Anyone been there?
Funny you mention that, I started walking by there on one of my walking routes, and I said to my wife, ';what a great looking B%26amp;B...I wonder why I%26#39;ve never really heard anything about it.';
Looks like the type of place I%26#39;d like to own if I came into some $$. The location and setting are fantastic, but I can%26#39;t comment on the inside though. I didn%26#39;t know they had a pool...
Just read the reviews here on TA....doesn%26#39;t sound great on the inside. Unfortunately most reviews mention lots of ';Clutter and Nick-Nacks';....has me thinking of Miss Havisham%26#39;s house in Great Expectations....
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