Tuesday, March 30, 2010

heading out to newport fr nj

can anyone let me know best route to take in heading out to newport fr. nj. we%26#39;ll be leaving this fri - not sure what kind of traffic to watch out for - someone had mentioned back roads. we would like to head out in the morning but unsure of work traffic vs holiday wkend traffic.

heading out to newport fr nj

There%26#39;s really no alternate routes that I am aware of to Newport from NJ. It%26#39;s 95 North or bust. Getting through NYC and parts of CT are a pain but it%26#39;s not too bad after New Haven. It all depends on when you leave NJ. Try and get to NYC after the morning rush and it won%26#39;t be so bad. 95 North to Route 102 South to Route 4 South which turns in to Route 1 South to Route 138 East over the bridges into Newport. That%26#39;s the easiest way I can think of. Have a nice trip..

heading out to newport fr nj

That trip is going to be busy this weekend, go as early in the day on Friday as you can. I can%26#39;t think of a better way to go than the previous poster recommended. Have a great trip! :)

No no- there is a very common alternative to getting around NYC from NJ to RI. This would be the Garden State Parkway to the Tappan Zee Bridge 287 to the Merrit Parkway. It goes quick so make sure you follow the signs after you cross the bridge, but this is a very common alt to potentially sucking in fumes on 95.

Once you get into RI, there are two basic routes to Newport...both of them have back roads.

RT 102 that Will007 mentioned, and RT 138 East (Exit 3 off 95) that takes you through the backroads near URI, Charlestown, etc.

Both take about the same time, although the Route 102 has been showing up more on Mapquest etc as faster lately.....I still prefer 138 though, but that%26#39;s just my preference.

Traffic on those roads won;t be especially too bad (except maybe as you get closer to Newport) Your heavier volume will be on Rt. 95 through CT.

I%26#39;ll second Milemarker0%26#39;s preference for Rt. 138. Takes about the same amount of time, but there are a lot of farms and old houses to look at along the way. It%26#39;s a pretty ride, and I go that way every time.

For future people travelling the same route, Yes will%26#39;s route is the best.

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