I%26#39;m from san diego camping across this country. want to visit block island. is there a place to camp fri. sep 1 to sep. 3 want to fly fish the salt from an achilles inflatable 11%26#39; . can I get it over towed by a small honda??
camping on block island
no camping on block island not even anyway to fack it.
camping on block island
You cannot camp on BI. I have slept on the beach before but it was without a tent, just a blanket. Lots of mosquitoes and very uncomfortable. I wouldn%26#39;t recommend it. BI is a place for day trips only or you must have accommodations picked out ahead of time.
Someone is missing the boat or RV, why hasn%26#39;t anyone developed a campground there? It can be as fancy as many of the hotels are there. People who camp don%26#39;t have to be in the middle of the town, they prefer to be away from the hub anyway, so within as reasonable
distance from Block Island is great for campers, so lets put our heads together and plan, plan, plan. Thanks , I.m just a wannabe vistator to Block Island,who owns a RV!!! pairjeans@earthlink.net
It would be great to have a place to set-up tent for a overnight stay somewhere on the Island.. Who ever opened this option will have to limit time of stay. I do go to the Island twice a year and mostly walk to everything with the exception of the walk back to place of stay for a evening as it is just not reasonably priced to stay!
camping and camp grounds are illeagle on Block Island no way around it.
There WAS a Boy Scout camp here, Camp Niantic, in The %26#39;70s, dunno if it%26#39;s still there, adjacent to the airstrip, which was great fun to troll at after hours. Of course, this means you have to be a Scout or Lon Chaney to get in there. }:0)
';Why hasn%26#39;t anyone developed a campground there?';
Because the locals don%26#39;t want one and the town council has banned it.
I can%26#39;t believe it!!!! I was hoping to introduce my son to Block Island by camping. Can you recommend any inexpensive places to stay?
The Narragansett Inn is the least expensive decent place on the Island to stay during high season.
Thank you!
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