Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Parking near Amtrak station

I am traveling to NY from Providence on Amtrak and I%26#39;m getting to the Amtrak Providence station by car so I need to park overnight near the Amtrak station. I called the parking garage at the station and they said they are usually full by 6 AM.

Any other suggestions for parking during the week and for a couple of nights?

Many thanks.

Parking near Amtrak station

Not sure where you are coming from, but if you can drive down to the Kingston station parking is free and plentiful....but the Acela trains do not stop there.

Parking near Amtrak station

What day are you travelling on? I have parked many times at the station. I usually get there around 7:30. you could also try the Providence Place Mall garage.


I, too am planning on travelling to NYC from Providence and will be driving in from Falmouth. Where do you park? How expensive is it? Any info would help.

camping on block island

I%26#39;m from san diego camping across this country. want to visit block island. is there a place to camp fri. sep 1 to sep. 3 want to fly fish the salt from an achilles inflatable 11%26#39; . can I get it over towed by a small honda??

camping on block island

no camping on block island not even anyway to fack it.

camping on block island

You cannot camp on BI. I have slept on the beach before but it was without a tent, just a blanket. Lots of mosquitoes and very uncomfortable. I wouldn%26#39;t recommend it. BI is a place for day trips only or you must have accommodations picked out ahead of time.

Someone is missing the boat or RV, why hasn%26#39;t anyone developed a campground there? It can be as fancy as many of the hotels are there. People who camp don%26#39;t have to be in the middle of the town, they prefer to be away from the hub anyway, so within as reasonable

distance from Block Island is great for campers, so lets put our heads together and plan, plan, plan. Thanks , I.m just a wannabe vistator to Block Island,who owns a RV!!! pairjeans@earthlink.net

It would be great to have a place to set-up tent for a overnight stay somewhere on the Island.. Who ever opened this option will have to limit time of stay. I do go to the Island twice a year and mostly walk to everything with the exception of the walk back to place of stay for a evening as it is just not reasonably priced to stay!

camping and camp grounds are illeagle on Block Island no way around it.

There WAS a Boy Scout camp here, Camp Niantic, in The %26#39;70s, dunno if it%26#39;s still there, adjacent to the airstrip, which was great fun to troll at after hours. Of course, this means you have to be a Scout or Lon Chaney to get in there. }:0)

';Why hasn%26#39;t anyone developed a campground there?';

Because the locals don%26#39;t want one and the town council has banned it.

I can%26#39;t believe it!!!! I was hoping to introduce my son to Block Island by camping. Can you recommend any inexpensive places to stay?

The Narragansett Inn is the least expensive decent place on the Island to stay during high season.

Thank you!

Good hotel near good beach?

We would like to stay close to the action yet be in walking distance of the better beaches with things to do on them. Just not Ballards!!

Good hotel near good beach?

You probably just want to stay towards the Corn Neck Road end of Town. The Gables Inn and Blue Dory/Avonlea might be perfect.

Good hotel near good beach?

We%26#39;ve stayed at The Gables, The Dewey Cottage and Paynes Harbor View. The Gables was the most affordable and the Dewey Cottage was also very nice. Paynes Harbor is a little further away. I would stay at all three again.

Place to Stay b/w NYC & Newport

We%26#39;re planning a trip from North Carolina to Newport. We need a place to stay between New York %26amp; Newport, maybe 2 hrs away from Newport. It%26#39;s just to spend the night. What is a safe place stay off I-95.


Place to Stay b/w NYC %26amp; Newport

New Haven area would be 2 hours. Most hotels are off the highway. Unless you get really lost its all pretty safe. All better places the further east you go. Groton/New London bout an hour from Npt.

Place to Stay b/w NYC %26amp; Newport

Thanks. That%26#39;s the place I thought would be the best, but did not know much about the safety.

I think that%26#39;s where we will plan our stop.

I live right outside of New Haven in Orange CT. You can stay in New Haven at the Omni Hotel downtown. This is the only hotel I would advise in New Haven. Its right on the green in the hart of Yale. Check out the beautiful Yale Architecture, Wooster Street ( the Italian Section) which is home to Pepe%26#39;s Pizza. They are world famous for their pizza. They are on the Food Channel all the time. Every President for the last fifty years comes to Pepe%26#39;s when in town...except Obama. Louis Lunch is a block from The Omni. They are credited with inventing the Hamburger about 120 years ago...another Food Channel Show. What ever you do dont ask for Ketchup...They will yell at you and throw you out..Fun Stuff.

Other suggestions for a place to stay are the Indian Casinos..about an 1 hour 15 mins from Newport. They are Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods. Nice hotels! Foxwoods is teh largest casino in teh world. These are only 15 minutes from Mystic Seaport. Nice aquarium, and Historic Whaling Port.

Thanks for your input. It%26#39;s good to know from the ';locals';. It sounds that the Omni area is good choice. The restaurants sound good. Any good place for breakfast?

Thanks again

How about the Study at Yale? It gets great reviews in TA.

July 4 Celebration

Hello, I am planning on taking my family to Newport on July 4,5,6. Is there a July 4th celebration and activities on that day in Newport? I know Boston has a great Fireworks display from what I have seen on TV. I will be driving from the Atlantic City area so I have no idea what the traffic is like from Newport to Boston. Murph

July 4 Celebration

Newport has subdued 4th celebration as far as parades and such, but they do have fireworks over the harbor. The country%26#39;s oldest and longest running 4th of July parade is just over the Mt Hope Bridge in Bristol, RI...but expect LARGE crowds and traffic. In Newport, the usual stuff will be going on including Polo out at Glenn Farm in Portsmouth and the Newport have a game that night at the downtown field.

Check out www.gonewport.com for other events going on that weekend.

July 4 Celebration

Thank you for your helpful information. Murph

Your Welcome...the should have said Newport GULLS have a game that night (Collegiate Baseball)

Want to visit Rhode Island but don't know where to go

I generally visit Boston once a year and always head for the Cape for a few days of alone time. This year I want to try something different and explore Rhode Island but only having three days I don%26#39;t want to make a mistake in the things I choose to see and do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated with regard to lodging(clean, reasonable and preferably on the water or very near water), historical places, tours, biking, shopping, music, art shows, beaches and of course restaurants that serve great fish. L.A. has good sushi but that%26#39;s it unless you enjoy eating salmon everyday. I try to eat fish, pizza, chinese food and subs while I am back east. Is Block Island good for a day trip? It%26#39;s looks beautiful but seems to be better for boating and suning. I saw the mansions when I was young. Thanks!

kids at the White Horse Tavern? bad idea?

We are going to Newport for my father%26#39;s 65th bday celebration. I was there last year with my girlfriends and we all said that if we came back, we would eat at the White Horse Tavern. Now that I am indeed heading back, I was thinking of having my father%26#39;s bday dinner at that restaurant. My concern is my 20 month old son. He is very good in restaurants, I just need to know if this restaurant is slow in terms of service and %26#39;stuffy%26#39; in terms of clientele. After all, my son is 20 months! eek!

Can anyone advise?


kids at the White Horse Tavern? bad idea?

Yes it%26#39;s pretty ';stuffy'; old dark colonial style building, jackets suggested, slower service to allow diners to enjoy their time there....

kids at the White Horse Tavern? bad idea?

Hit reply too soon. I know that the times I%26#39;ve been there the upstairs has seemed more ';livelier'; in terms of noise and such...although it%26#39;s mostly been groups of adults drinking and having a good time at dinner making the noise.

You may want to check with them if the have a small private room for your dinner. Service is slower and in a more formal atmosphere at the White Horse, so if your son gets antsy he can move around the room without bothering other customers, and you can enjoy your meal also.

Beachfront Hotels?


I am having a difficult time figuring out which hotels actually have beaches on premises or within short walking distance. I am interested in the Hyatt primarily. Does anyone know if this has a beach or could recommend a hotel that does?


Beachfront Hotels?

Staying on Goat Island at the Hyatt would not be a good idea for getting to the beaches. The main area of Newport with all the shopping, restaurants and nightlife are nearby Newport Harbor, not the beaches. There%26#39;s no beaches at the harbor. The beaches are really over in Middletown, a 10 minute drive or trolley ride from the action in Newport. There%26#39;s the very beautiful Gooseberry Beach in Newport but no places to stay around there. Most people flock to the biggest beach which is 1st Beach (technically called Easton%26#39;s Beach). If you want to be right on or near the beach, look into the Newport Beach Hotel %26amp; Suites, Comfort Inn, Quality Inn %26amp; Suites, all in Middletown. They will place you right at 1st Beach. The much nicer 2nd Beach (real name is Sachuest Beach) can be reached in 5 minutes by hopping on a trolley.

So, if you HVE to be right on or right near the beach, look into those places. But, if you stay in downtown Newport, all those beaches can easily be reached by taking the trolley there. Hope this helps.

Beachfront Hotels?

Castlehill Inn or the Chanler. If you stay in a beach house or beach cottage at Castlehill you and right on the beach. Chanler overlooks the public beach. I strongly prefer Castlehill but you can look them up online.

Is BI really dog friendly

My fiance and I are planning a trip mid-July to BI and want to bring our 17 month old lab. We%26#39;ve booked a dog friendly room at The Blue Dory Inn so we are all set there but I%26#39;m wondering about the beaches. Will he be allowed on the beaches? Of course I wouldn%26#39;t keep him out there all day b/c he feels the heat but I definitely don%26#39;t want him locked in the room for the weekend. How about the town? Do people frown upon them walking around the town? Are any outdoor restaurants dog friendly?

Thanks so much!

Is BI really dog friendly

We%26#39;ve brought our lab to BI in July for past few years (we rent one of the few dog friendly houses) and have never had any problems. Even though the town beach has signs that say ';no dogs'; posted on the bathhouse/food pavillion we usually see a couple dogs on the main beach every day. I would just avoid being too close to the pavillion/life guard areas with your dog - this area gets a pretty crowded anyway; farther down the beach you will see dogs hanging with families, swimming, etc. I usually bring my dog to the town beach either early morning or late in the afternoon.

If you go to the beaches on the west side of the island you%26#39;ll have no problem, because there are very few people. Same is true for some of the less popular trail areas.

It%26#39;s common to see dogs in town - once in a while one of the %26#39;local dogs%26#39; will be wandering loose, then you%26#39;ll suddenly see him hop into a pickup truck. Use a leash and pick up afterward and you%26#39;ll be fine.

We haven%26#39;t tried bringing the dog to a restaurant so I can%26#39;t help there....

Is BI really dog friendly

Thanks so much for the reply! Very helpful! I%26#39;m excited about taking him on this trip. It%26#39;s almost like we are going to bring him on a vacation too this year...a very expensive vacation for a dog :)

Hi IslandgirlsstuckinNYC-

I agree with the earlier poster/response, but wanted to add one thing. Yes, BI is very dog-friendly BUT definitely be fanatical about picking up all poop. The only times I%26#39;ve seen a big deal made out of a dog was when the owner wasn%26#39;t picking up properly. The owner even got a ticket!

Hope this helps-


That%26#39;s a given with us! Thanks Tara :)

  • black heads
  • Is Newport right for us??

    My husband and I (from Philly) love New England and are thinking of making Newport our next vacation spot this july or August. We%26#39;ve never been, so I%26#39;m looking for some advice on the following topics.

    1. Bed %26amp; Breakfast or Hotel?- Whichever, we%26#39;d like to be in an area close to restaurants, shopping, etc...basically the heart of the place and walking distance to things. And we prefer at least 4 star.

    2. We love to eat GOOD food, so we are looking for a few suggestions, especially for lobster. Also, we came across awesome roadside lobster huts in Maine. Any of those in the Newport area??

    3. General description of Newport and people in July/August. Busy? Family crowd? Will we be able to find a room easily now?

    4. Is there a nightlife? We love a good bar scene.

    5. Shopping?

    6. Places that are a must see. Even if it involves driving or ferry.

    Thanks so much. I realize most of this has been posted somewhere in the forum, but reading all of it has become so overwhelming, I needed it simplified.

    Is Newport right for us??

    1- Depends on what you like. Some people don;t like the intimacy of B%26amp;B%26#39;s and prefer Hotels. The major Hotels are the Mariott, Hyatt and Newport Harbor Hotel, and The Viking. All of them have 4* accomodations, and some of them have 3* accomodations (Smaller rooms, less desireable views etc.) Higher End places are the Chandler and Inn at Catle Hill.

    2- Lots of good food in Neweport. Everything from finer dining, to pub style menues. On the nicer end: The Mooring, Clarke Cooke House, 22 Bowens, Asterisks, @the Deck. All of those places will have some sort of Lobster dishes that you%26#39;ll pay market price for. No real roadside clamshacks in Newport itself, but there are some more casual places over in Middletown, Flo%26#39;s Clam Shack and Anthony%26#39;s Seafood.

    3- Busy with families, young single 20-30-40-50 somethings. You can find a room, but $ might be an issue. Check out www.gonewport.com for more info on what to expect in town.

    4- Yes, it%26#39;s been called a drinking town with a sailing problem.

    5- Yes, plenty of small shops along Thames St and the wharfs to peek in to.

    6- The Mansions, The Cliff Walk, Ocean Drive, Thames Street shopping, eating and drinking, Wharfs for the same.

    Is Newport right for us??

    Hi Silbella-

    Newport is great - a truly wonderful New England seaside city! I wish I could go back and be a newbie again-

    1) Stay at the Hotel Viking (downtown) - it%26#39;s a very nice hotel and easy walking distance to bars/restaurants. Be sure to get a room in the new wing (older rooms have allowed dogs in the past and they%26#39;re more run-down). It%26#39;s a very fine old hotel (Jackie O stayed there!)

    2) There is lobster available, but if you%26#39;re in Rhode Island the food to eat is clams (lobster is the very best in Maine). One great place (very good lobster if you must have it) is Bowen%26#39;s Bar and Grille on Bowen%26#39;s Wharf - awesome views of the harbor and outside seating. Brick Alley Pub is also excellent (they have seafood plus lots of other great items on the menu).

    3) Newport in the summer is very busy. Both families and singles go to Newport. I%26#39;d definitely book now, though.

    4) There%26#39;s a great nightlife scene in Newport - especially in the summer. I%26#39;m from CT and we%26#39;d ride up there all the time to party!

    5) Don%26#39;t know about shopping - not much of a shopper - I defer to others.

    6) Must dos? Definitely: Cliff Walk, all the Mansions, go on a cruise (boating is a big thing in Newport). If you love to party and you%26#39;ve got a little extra time, plan a trip to nearby Block Island. There are ferries out of Point Judith all day long and you could easily spend a full day (and night up until the last ferry returns) there. The downtown is lively and there are tons of great bars including Ballards and the National. Here%26#39;s a link detailing a road trip that stops in Newport. Some suggestions/pointers: planning-fun-road-trips.com/east-coast-road-…

    You%26#39;re going to LOVE Newport - it%26#39;s one of my favorite places...

    Have fun!


    Thank you both for the info. -very helpful. Just one more question. Where exactly is downtown Newport? Street names are fine. This will help in finding a place to stay. I think we will do a B%26amp;B or an Inn. Any suggestions downtown would be appreciated also. Thanks again.

    Th heart of downtown is Thames Street and Spring St. from Washington Sq south to Memorial Blvd, plus all of Bellevue. There are also plenty of shops along Lower Thames all the way to Wellington. Don%26#39;t forget, Newport is the original City by the Sea.

    1 day stay in Newport

    We will traveling from Cape Cod and staying in Newport for 1 day, during that we would like to go to Block Island. Is this advisable or should we choose one or the other.

    1 day stay in Newport

    I wouldn%26#39;t advise you do that. Traveling to/from Block Island and Newport is 4 hours on the ferry for 5 hours on the island. Hardly enough tie to properly enjoy B.I. I suggest you stick to just Newport. There will be plenty to keep you occupied there for such a short stay.

    1 day stay in Newport

    Ditto what Will said....plenty to do in Newport for your 1 day.

    Thanks, I was thinking the same thing also. I really wanted to see Block Island but it will have to wait for another time.

    Visiting Brown

    My daughter will be visiting Brown University in July. Do I need to rent a car? How is public transportation from the airport and around the city? I don%26#39;t have a hotel yet, so any suggestions would be great. Also ideas for fun would be helpfultoo. We like ethnic restaurants, art museums, music... Thanks!

    Visiting Brown


    You really don%26#39;t need to rent a car while staying in Providence. Any of the downtown hotels will work for you except for The Marriott Downtown Providence. That one is just a bit further outside the city center. Courtyard by Marriott, Biltmore, Hilton, Westin Renaissance and Hotel Providence would all be fine.

    There%26#39;s a variety of ways to get to Providence from the airport in Warwick. Shuttle, Bus, Taxi are all reliable. That%26#39;s all they do all day long. Public Transit in the city is very good. You%26#39;ll have no problem hopping on a bus at Kennedy Plaza (Downtown) to take you anywhere your feet won%26#39;t. Since the Downtown is compact, you won%26#39;t need a bus to get around much at all. Even Federal Hill is easily walkable from Downtown. Brown is up on the Hill and and about a half mile walk from Downtown. The only problem is that it%26#39;s a STEEP hill to walk up. You might want to take public transit for that unless you want a good workout.

    The great thing about Providence is that for a mid sized city, it has some seriously good restaurants. They take their food seriously in that city, especially Italian cuisine. Downtown, Federal Hill (Italian) and even up around Brown has plenty of ethnic restaurants to choose from. Trust me, you will not go hungry there. I suggest you look at the restaurants on the left of the page to see what might interest you.

    Definitely head to Rhode Island School of Design%26#39;s (RISD) Museum on Benefit Street. Benefit Street is a street you%26#39;ll love walking down with it%26#39;s incredibly beautiful and historic homes. It%26#39;s halfway up the Hill. I also suggest you check out Johnson %26amp; Wales University Culinary Archives Museum. Oh, and if you happen to be visiting on a weekend when a WaterFire event is planned, be certain to check that out. You%26#39;ll like it!

    Once again, for a mid sized city, Providence has quite a good nightlife scene. With several colleges near the Downtown, much of it is geared for the younger crowd, but there%26#39;s still plenty to keep the older crowd happy as well. Your hotel Concierge will hopefully steer you to the type of place you%26#39;re looking for. Hope this was helpful and gives you an idea of what the city is like. It%26#39;s really an easy city to get around.

    Visiting Brown

    Thank you for your suggestions. We are looking forward to our visit. I also thought it would be fun to visit Harvard as well. Is that a doable day trip without a car?

    Thanks for your help!

    Harvard is certainly doable from Providence. You can walk over to Providence Station and take a MBTA Commuter Rail train to South Station in Boston. Once at South Station, get on the Subway (Red Line inbound). Take it to the Harvard stop and you%26#39;re there. Commuter Rail from Providence is $7.75 per person each way, while the Subway will be $2 per person each way.


    Thanks for the help--I can%26#39;t believe how easy it is to get from one place to another.

    heading out to newport fr nj

    can anyone let me know best route to take in heading out to newport fr. nj. we%26#39;ll be leaving this fri - not sure what kind of traffic to watch out for - someone had mentioned back roads. we would like to head out in the morning but unsure of work traffic vs holiday wkend traffic.

    heading out to newport fr nj

    There%26#39;s really no alternate routes that I am aware of to Newport from NJ. It%26#39;s 95 North or bust. Getting through NYC and parts of CT are a pain but it%26#39;s not too bad after New Haven. It all depends on when you leave NJ. Try and get to NYC after the morning rush and it won%26#39;t be so bad. 95 North to Route 102 South to Route 4 South which turns in to Route 1 South to Route 138 East over the bridges into Newport. That%26#39;s the easiest way I can think of. Have a nice trip..

    heading out to newport fr nj

    That trip is going to be busy this weekend, go as early in the day on Friday as you can. I can%26#39;t think of a better way to go than the previous poster recommended. Have a great trip! :)

    No no- there is a very common alternative to getting around NYC from NJ to RI. This would be the Garden State Parkway to the Tappan Zee Bridge 287 to the Merrit Parkway. It goes quick so make sure you follow the signs after you cross the bridge, but this is a very common alt to potentially sucking in fumes on 95.

    Once you get into RI, there are two basic routes to Newport...both of them have back roads.

    RT 102 that Will007 mentioned, and RT 138 East (Exit 3 off 95) that takes you through the backroads near URI, Charlestown, etc.

    Both take about the same time, although the Route 102 has been showing up more on Mapquest etc as faster lately.....I still prefer 138 though, but that%26#39;s just my preference.

    Traffic on those roads won;t be especially too bad (except maybe as you get closer to Newport) Your heavier volume will be on Rt. 95 through CT.

    I%26#39;ll second Milemarker0%26#39;s preference for Rt. 138. Takes about the same amount of time, but there are a lot of farms and old houses to look at along the way. It%26#39;s a pretty ride, and I go that way every time.

    For future people travelling the same route, Yes will%26#39;s route is the best.

    The view

    Can someone tell me how to get to what I%26#39;ve heard is a little park with a statue at the top of college hill called the ';view';????

    The view


    It%26#39;s called Prospect Park....

    The view

    aaaahhhh...yes, that%26#39;s it. Thanks so much

    Smoke-friendly hotels in Providence area

    Hi! We%26#39;re looking for a smoke-friendly hotel in the Providence RI area. Does anyone know of any? Thanks!

    Smoke-friendly hotels in Providence area

    Comfort Inn right next to the airport in Warwick does. Im there right now smoking in my room.

    It%26#39;s only about 15 minutes to downtown and alot cheaper than downtown.

  • black heads
  • John Banister Mansion on Pelham St. anyone stayed here?

    we have reservations here as the prices were much less than other B%26amp;Bs - but am nervous now - which room or anything to watch out for?


    John Banister Mansion on Pelham St. anyone stayed here?

    did you end up staying at the John Banister Mansion? I am thinking to make a reservation for labor day weekend there as the prices really are great. Do you recommend it?

    John Banister Mansion on Pelham St. anyone stayed here?

    Anyone ever end up staying here? I%26#39;d love to hear experiences

    Pet friendly accomodations

    Looking to plan a trip to Newport. Can you guys recommend some small dog friendly hotels that won%26#39;t break the bank?

    Pet friendly activities?

    Pet friendly accomodations

    So far I%26#39;m considering the following in case anyone has suggestions/comments

    Bannister Wharf Guest Rooms - looks $$$

    Cooney Cottage - on the flip side, a bargain

    Hojo - actually in Middletown

    Reed Rose Cottage

    Pet friendly accomodations

    You can%26#39;t beat the location of Bannisters Wharf rooms, although there%26#39;s not much open space for the dog to walk around (like a field or yard or anything) if that matters.

    The Hojos is your typical economy chain located in the business district of Middltown. Near more chain hotels and restaurants etc. About a 10 minute drive to town, you%26#39;ll have to find parking when you head into town.

    The last two are small B%26amp;B%26#39;s, in fact the Cooney Cottage looks like it is just a room in somebody%26#39;s house....I walk by it all the time and never even knew it was a gueest house (room). It%26#39;s location is good, you could walk to town pretty easily.

    Reed Rose is in a residential area and a little too far of a walk to town for most people, but doable in nice weather. Not sure if a small dog would be able to make it the whole way without being tuckered out though.

    I wish there were some reviews for Cooney to go by. I can%26#39;t find anything about it online except for their website

    Want to visit Rhode Island but don't know where to go

    I generally visit Boston once a year and always head for the Cape for a few days of alone time. This year I want to try something different and explore Rhode Island but only having three days I don%26#39;t want to make a mistake in the things I choose to see and do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated with regard to lodging(clean, reasonable and preferably on the water or very near water), historical places, tours, biking, shopping, music, art shows, beaches and of course restaurants that serve great fish. L.A. has good sushi but that%26#39;s it unless you enjoy eating salmon everyday. I try to eat fish, pizza, chinese food and subs while I am back east. Is Block Island good for a day trip? It%26#39;s looks beautiful but seems to be better for boating and suning. I saw the mansions when I was young. Thanks!

    Want to visit Rhode Island but don't know where to go

    I would suggest staying in or near Providence itself. You%26#39;d have to search around for hotel prices since I live near there and never have to worry about staying there. You might try staying (assuming you have a car as this isn%26#39;t an easy state to hop around on by public transportation) in Warren, Warwick, Barrington, or Bristol which are all coastal towns, very pictureque, are all on the fantastic East Bay bike trail that runs from East Prov to Brisol and there are a ton of nice restaurants- I%26#39;ve been to a few in Bristol which were great. YOu could go into Providence for the cultural activities and its a few short miles away.

    Block Island is a full day trip as you have to drive to Point Judith to pick up the ferry (I don%26#39;t know of any other way) then go over and back from there. Its a small, very hilly, pretty island, very laid back- decent bird watching, tough hills for biking but it can be done. Not much there depending on how much civilization you need. Its a wonderful state and very under-rated IMHO- Enjoy!

    Want to visit Rhode Island but don't know where to go

    Thank you so much for your information! It will help make my short trip wonderful.

    I recommend that you stay in Newport or nearby Jamestown. Another option would be one of the South County towns where there are beautiful beaches. There are many B%26amp;B and other reasonable options in Newport. Although Newport gets crowded in the summer, it is still possible to find lots to see and do and avoid the crowds. I would be sure to walk at least part of the Cliff Walk which is a great path high above the ocean and in front of some of the mansions. You can walk from there to Easton%26#39;s (First) Beach or bike to beautiful Second Beach over the town line in Middletown (fewer people, more unspoiled). You should drive or bike Ocean Drive and maybe stop for a picnic at Brenton Reef State Park, right on the ocean. There are lots of festivals all summer, of course including the famous Folk and Jazz festivals. Take a harbor cruise. Definitely take the ferry to Block Island for a day trip. There are lots of quaint shops and restaurants in addition to beaches, etc.

    Thank you very much for the additional information, it%26#39;s very much appreciated! The area sounds so nice I%26#39;m tempted to revise my schedule in order to spend more time in Rhode Island.

    Vanderbilt Hall Hotel or Mill Street Inn?


    My husband and I are planning a romantic weekend getaway and are trying to decide between these two hotels...There is about $100 dollar difference between the two. We are looking for a very nice hotel that is centrally located and we do not want to spend more than about $300. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

    Sunday and Monday trip

    We are flying in to drop our son at Brown Camp. After leaving

    Brown on Sunday afternoon, we will have the remaining part of Sunday and Monday to sightsee Rhode Island. We fly out Tuesday. Restaurants? Coastal towns? any ideas would be appreciated.

    melville pond camping area in portsmouth

    what and where are the closest lodging hotels

    to Melville pond camping area?

    melville pond camping area in portsmouth

    Any of the cahin hotels in Middletown on Rt. 114 (West Main Rd)

  • black heads
  • HELP>>>>Weekend Ladies Getaway/ New Enland


    I am planning a bachelorette party for 8-10 crazy ladies in our mid 20s and early 30s. The bride wants beaches, cocktails, and fun... the guests are hoping not to break the bank.

    So, I am looking for classy yet affordable.

    We want to remain in New England, avoiding Boston and New York City. Somewhere on the beach where there is bars and entertainment in walking distance, or the least a short road trip.

    Any guidance would be appreciated!!!



    Sunday and Monday trip

    We are flying in to drop our son at Brown Camp. After leaving

    Brown on Sunday afternoon, we will have the remaining part of Sunday and Monday to sightsee Rhode Island. We fly out Tuesday. Restaurants? Coastal towns? any ideas would be appreciated.

    Sunday and Monday trip

    I would suggest going down to Newport. There are a lot of shops down there and restaurants with great seafood. While in Newport you can also do tours of the Mansions. http://www.newportmansions.org

    Sunday and Monday trip

    Providence is beautiful, from there you could go to Wickford a charming historical village, harbor and shops, then Jamestown with gorgeous state parks with sweeping views of ocean and charming village opposite Newport, all on your way to Newport. Airport about a good half hour from Newport.

    Trolley or Bus?

    I am looking for transport to mansions and cliff walk and I%26#39;m confused in that there are many references to both the trolley and the bus.

    Are these the same, or, if different, what is the difference?


    Trolley or Bus?

    In town you%26#39;ll take the trolley to thosee places. There are buses to other parts of Newport and beyond. Check out


    for more details of the routes.

    Trolley or Bus?

    Thanks for the clarification.

    What streets do the trolley run along?

    America%26#39;s cup, Bellevue, Ruggles, Spring, Memorial etc...click on the RIPTA Link above and choose that line, you%26#39;ll see a map.

    Is there a skateboard park in Warwick>

    Hi My daughter has a softball tournament in Warwick, RI. I have a son who Loves to skateboard was wondering if there is a skateplace or skatepark close by for him?

    Is there a skateboard park in Warwick%26gt;

    There%26#39;s a decent skate park behind the Thayer Ice Arena/Mickey Stevens Sports Complex on Sandy Lane in Warwick. I believe it goes by the name, Mickey Stevens Skatepark.

    Is there a skateboard park in Warwick%26gt;

    Thank You for the information!!! :)

    Feel free to visit our website at www.visitwarwickri.com for additional information on Warwick.

    Enjoy your visit!

    Considering buying a home

    I%26#39;m considering buying a 2nd home in RI. I%26#39;m looking for a place that%26#39;s near to either Narragansett or Newport and a place where I can possibly live full time some day (or a retirement home for my parents). I don%26#39;t want a home that%26#39;s just for summer. I%26#39;d like a yard, etc.

    Any suggestions on areas?

    Considering buying a home

    Plenty of options....pull out a map and check out:


    Parts of Newport you lose the yard or have small yards, but other parts like the 5th ward have bigger yards.

    Considering buying a home

    It%26#39;s a great time to buy... The previous poster gave you the website to check out listings.... It would really depend on your budget... I have a second home in Charlestown and have a nice yard and close to the beaches... Narragansett, South Kingstown, all have beautiful beaches and neighborhoods with yards... Newport is beautiful but you may not get the yard you want. Good luck!

    I have a second home in Narragansett, but if you aren;t fussy how close to the beach you are, you might like Wakefield and Peacedale sections. They have some very nice homes with nice yards. The beach would still be a close 15 to 20 min. ride away.

    Many homes close to the beach are small, older cottages with small yards, very close to the neighbors, but you can find some on larger lots.

    Consider Tiverton and Little Compton, both are quiet communities, just across the river to the East from Newport. Lots of nice homes with big yards.

    House Rental vrbo #58292 - Snave House

    As a warning to other non-suspecting travelers, do NOT rent this house (http://www.vrbo.com/58292)

    No photographs of the interior of this house posted on the site..and for good reason.

    I can appreciate old homes, but the condition of this house is much much worse. And for the money, a complete rip off. The only good thing, you don%26#39;t have to worry about breaking anything, it%26#39;s all already broken.

    House Rental vrbo #58292 - Snave House

    there is a place on the web page that you can leave your comments. It%26#39;s right below the first exterior photo.

    I dont know how landlords charge people and provide junk to someone, can live with themselves.

    I have rented online many times, but I never choose a house UNLESS I can see interior photos of the house.

    House Rental vrbo #58292 - Snave House

    I agree. I was on BI and looked at this place. Terrible location and terrible house.

    I am the owner of Snave and had one of my rentors send me this link. This should be illegal as it is completely inaccurate and inappropriate. All except one of my rentors this year are repeats! Why would they come back if these lies were true?

    Perhaps your pleased repeat renters would leave a ';review'; or comment on your VRBO web site, stating when they stayed and how they found the accomadations?

    Then ';one unhappy renter'; doesn%26#39;t have much power, when several people can remark they stayed there are were happy. It creates a more balanced ';review'; that way.

    You might also want to post interior photos, so each potential renter can judge for themselves if your house is suitable for them before they get there.

    Just my suggestions from someone that owns a rental and has rented many homes in many different locations.

    I am not sure my rentors have time for this silliness but I will ask them. I do have some interior pictures, that was just another inaccurate critizism. I will be posting new interior pictures of the new kitchen and the new master bedroom upstairs. We also upgraded the driveway and redid the back lawn. There are new chairs on the front porch which has to be one of the most special places ever with views overlooking New Harbour and State Beach. Why would someone pick me to spit dirt on when I have been renting Snave for 15yrs with no problems and my mother rented for many years before that? Shouldn%26#39;t they have to confront me directly? Or at least notify me? It was just a fluke that I even found out about this.

    You have to realize this is not a personal affront. If you did upgrades then fantastic. Just post photos of all the rooms and the renters will come flocking. If the house was upgraded I would stay here again, because truthfully it is a beautiful location.


    You will never please every renter no matter what you do, there will always be the one who can find fault. (My homes are very well maintained and yet someone will find fault with my TV remote and tell me about it).(Wish I could see and criticize their homes).

    However, it seems like perhaps it was time to make some upgrades and it sounds like you%26#39;ve done that.

    Boast about the changes on your web page and I%26#39;m sure all will be fine.

    The power of the internet allows homeowners that rent their houses, find a much larger pool of potential renters and with that comes the opportunity for the renter to speak their mind about a place.

    Interesting that I stumbled upon this topic today: We have rented Snave the past two summers and will rent again this July, we have also rented several other houses on Block in the past, so I have some experience with the ';rental market';.

    Snave is an antique, but very comfortable, and has a nice central hilltop location. We appreciate the view from the porch, the open lawn for the kids to play on, the outdoor shower, and the fact that we can bring our dog along with us. There are only a handful of houses that will let you bring your pet - so this is a HUGE plus.

    As far as everything being broken - I can only think of 2 lamps that did not work. We did not have any complaints.

    We look forward to returning, and are excited to see the upgrades.

  • black heads
  • Mansions in Newport

    We have friends coming from out of state and arriving tomorrow. They will be staying at Marriott Courtyard in Warwick so we are planning to do a day trip to Newport (possibly tomorrow, weather dependent).

    My question is which mansions would be advisable to visit? We would like to walk part of the Cliff Walk also if it is a nice day but who knows in New England.....

    Any other suggestions for things to do, where to eat (not expensive places). We will probably do a late afternoon lunch rather than dinner.

    We will be driving in from Jamestown/Newport bridge. Are there any parking lots within easy walking distance of the mansions or Cliff Walk?

    Thanks everyone.


    Mansions in Newport

    No there are no pay or free lots near the mansions. If you go in a mansion you park in their lot. This way you may, emphasis on may, be able to do a bit of the walk too as they abut. However, some of the side streets around the mansions have some parking, try Narragansett. Shouldn%26#39;t be too bad at all on a not so sunny Thursday. Should still be nice. Breakers is the most pop, others...Marble House, Rose Cliff, and more.

    Mansions in Newport


    Thanks so much, you are awesome! We live around here so have been to Newport b4 but trying to plan the date with a little bit of itinerary. Nothing like waiting til the last minute, eh? LOL

    Now I just have to figure out what to do in Boston, not such an easy task compared to Newport.


    Hotel or Motel with an Outdoor pool

    So, I just figured out that what we really want in Newport is a really nice outdoor pool with a nice patio area. This hotel/motel can be in Aquidneck or Middletown, does not have to be Newport proper. The ocean is so cold and my niece will really, really like hanging out at a pool especially if there are other teenagers to hang out with. Can you help me out and help me rate the pools of Newport.

    Hotel or Motel with an Outdoor pool

    Not many pool scenes in Newport. The scene is at the beach. The Hyatt has an outdoor saltwater pool, but the pool deck is nothing great. Nice views of the Bay though.

    Most other pools are indoor at the major hotels (Mariott, Viking, Newport Harbor Hotel)

    Perhaps somebody might know of some places with outdoor pools, but I can%26#39;t think of too many in the area that would have teens hanging out there. Again, the teens hang out at the beaches.

    Hotel or Motel with an Outdoor pool

    okay the, which beaches do the teens hang out at? She is 13 going on 17.

    Is there any place she could safely hang at night (with her aunt standing by non-chalantley not too far away?)

    Second Beach in Middletown is the more popular of the beaches. All of the downtown wharfs and the park outside of Trinity Church and Starbucks seems to be popular hangouts. There%26#39;s also ryan Family amusements (Arcade) on Thames Street.

    The Wellington on Thames(time share) has outdoor pool. Have not been there in a while but if outdoor pool is a must you may want to check it out.

    2firenze%26#39;s post made me think of another. The Newport Onshore (Wyndham) has an indoor and outdoor pool that overlooks the marina. I know that I%26#39;ve seen teens that are staying either there or at the marina hanging by the pool.

    Sanford Covell has a pool. Anyone been there?

    Funny you mention that, I started walking by there on one of my walking routes, and I said to my wife, ';what a great looking B%26amp;B...I wonder why I%26#39;ve never really heard anything about it.';

    Looks like the type of place I%26#39;d like to own if I came into some $$. The location and setting are fantastic, but I can%26#39;t comment on the inside though. I didn%26#39;t know they had a pool...

    Just read the reviews here on TA....doesn%26#39;t sound great on the inside. Unfortunately most reviews mention lots of ';Clutter and Nick-Nacks';....has me thinking of Miss Havisham%26#39;s house in Great Expectations....

    Black Rocks by the Ocean and a Park???

    We were in Newport quite a few years ago, perhaps 10. We had a picnic on some smooth, black rocks that looked out on the ocean in Newport. They were right off the road. I remember we drove by a park where they fly a lot of kites. We also drove past a country club where I think someone said that President Kennedy used to frequent. It was beautiful at sunset and our grandaughter who was four at the time of our last visit still remembers it. We are going to be there again this summer and would like to find this spot again. Can anyone help with the location. I think we drove past first and second beach also. We are also going to be spending the night and going back to Boston the next day to fly home. Any suggestions for an inexpensive, but nice hotel. We will have to go have an Awful Awful while we%26#39;re there too.



    Black Rocks by the Ocean and a Park???

    Well, the place you are talking about was on Ocean Ave....which rock you sat on will be up to you to find ;) Here is a link to the drive that will get you in the area:


    Be careful out on the rocks....they are slippery when wet and the waves can knock you off your feet if you aren%26#39;t paying attention.

    Lodging deals will depend on what time of the week you are coming.

    You can get an Awful Awful at Newport Creamery at either the Middletown location, or the location on Bellevue. (Bellevue is probably the more convenient of the two if you are staying in town) Perhaps try a Del%26#39;s Lemonade (an icy lemonade slush type drink from RI) while you are out on Ocean Drive at Brenton Point (Where they fly the kites.)

    Black Rocks by the Ocean and a Park???


    Thank you so much for the link!! This is exactly what I needed. We should be good to go with this information.


    Clam Shacks

    I%26#39;m going to Newport in a week or so and wanted some ';divey'; types of restaurants. You know the type of place-- where the locals eat and the food is great. I understand that clam shacks on the waterfront would be an option. Is that true? Suggestions?

    Clam Shacks

    In Newport itself there aren%26#39;t really any of theose waterfront clamshaks.

    In Middletown there%26#39;s Flo%26#39;s across from the beach and Anthony%26#39;s Seafood which is attached to their seafood market and not on the water.



    If you want to take a drive, up in Tiverton is Evelyn%26#39;s


    Clam Shacks

    You want divey but good? Check out Iggy%26#39;s on Oakland Beach in Warwick. Great crabcakes and chowder. It%26#39;s just a window and some picnic tables outside and very limited indoor seating.

    If you want a notch up, go to Chelo%26#39;s on the Waterfront down at the Warwick Marina. They have outdoor seating upstairs and downstairs as well as live local music at night. Also great cakes and chowder.

    It is not a clam shack but check out Franklin Spa in Newport for breakfast or lunch. It is an old fashioned soda fountain kind of place with a HUGE menu of really good food. Don%26#39;t let the big burly cooks standing behind the counter fool you. They really CAN cook. Enjoy.

    Where to stay for Folk Festival?

    My husband and I are coming in for the folk festival. We aren%26#39;t campers, so we were going to stay at a hotel nearby...

    We have reservations at the Pineapple Inn, but have read mildly bad reviews here and wanted to see if there were any nearby spots you could recommend instead? We are willing to drive a bit (less than an hour, preferred), and are not particularly picky.

    Any advice would be great!


    Where to stay for Folk Festival?

    Hey, Melissa

    Probably a good idea to cancel the Pineapple Inn and stay further away from Newport in a better place. For about the same costs as the Pineapple, I was going to suggest staying at the Sea Whale Motel or Motel 6 in that price range, but both appear to be booked for that weekend. Staying in Warwick wouldn%26#39;t be too bad. There%26#39;s plenty of lodging choices there as well as plenty of places to eat. The Homestead Suites for $75 per night would be somewhere to consider. It comes with a kitchenette. Warwick is about a 30 minute drive to Newport.

    Where to stay for Folk Festival?

    I should note that The Homestead Suites is located inside a business park, but I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;re only looking for a place to sleep at night. Since you%26#39;ll be staying on a weekend, I%26#39;m sure the park will be very quiet. And it%26#39;s right off Route 95 for your trips to/from Newport.

    When is the folk festival and jazz festival. I tried looking it up on the internet, but came up short. Maybe I had the wrong names. Any other big events happening ini mid July other than the Black Ships festival? Thanks!

    Due to copyeright issues, they had to change the name. Info can be found at: http://www.folkfestival50.com/

    And we decided to stay up in Providence. :)

    Newport airport bus or limo

    Hi - can anyone point me towards shuttle bus info from Newport to PVD? My chauffeur has the day off :)

    Newport airport bus or limo


  • black heads
  • Weekly Trolley Pass?

    Is there a weekly trolley pass? If so, how much is it and can I pre-order it by mail so that we can just get on the trolley and take off on our arrival day? Thank you!

    Weekly Trolley Pass?

    There are daily passes $5/day or 7 day passes for $20. They%26#39;re good on all RIPTA routes:


    I believe you just buy them the first time you get on. No online sales.

    Bay cruises?

    A friend sent me informatin on bay cruises out of Newport. Well of course I lost it. Does anyone know of sightseeing or sailing cruises that operate out of Newport that would be fun? Thanks!

    Bay cruises?

    Check out this sight....it%26#39;s a good sight to explore, and should answer most of your questionss:


    Aurora, Madelline, and Adirondack are all older schooner type sailboats.

    Flyer is a modern Catamaran

    Sightsailer and starlight are more modern monohull boats.

    For Powerboats:

    Rum Runner is a cool old looking open air boat

    Amazing Grace is a more enclosed modern looking yacht.

    They all travel in basically the same route in the lower Bay.

    Look for discounts and coupons in the local weekly magazines and papers.

    Mystic Seaport

    Anyone know the approx car travel time between Newport and Mystic. I am thinking of making the trip but not sure if that is a crazy or rational thought. This would be in mid July so summer traffic should be factored in.

    Mystic Seaport

    A little over an hour.

    Bachelorette destinations


    I am in the beginning phase of planning a bachelorette party for 8-10 crazy women. We are all in our mid 20s and early 30s and looking to travel for a weekend in late August to early September.

    We are trying to keep the destination in New England, avoiding Boston or New York City. The bride want to be near/on the beach and be able to walk to bars, good food, etc.

    Please give some experiences/suggestions on fun locations where we can party and have a great time!

    Thank you!!!


    Bachelorette destinations

    Hi Maureen,

    Newport is a GREAT choice for a bachelorette party - I personally had mine there and threw two others.

    As far as hotels go you will want to book as early as possible, as some hotels book up months in advance. To be within walking distance of the nightlife/shopping and most restaurants you will want to stay on America%26#39;s Cup or Thames Street. The Marriot and Newport Harbor Hotel are two great choices. Another beautiful hotel is the Hotel Viking, but it is a little further of a walk to Thames Street. It does have a nice bar, One Bellevue, right in the hotel lobby.

    The beaches are a short (maybe 5 minute) drive from Thames Street. Easton%26#39;s beach has a beach bar/restaurant, the Atlantic Beach Club (also known as Johnny%26#39;s). This is a great spot on Sunday afternoons as they will usually have a live band - its a great party atmosphere. There is also a comfort in accross the street from the beach, but to avoid driving after a night out you are much better off to stay at the hotels on Thames/America%26#39;s Cup.

    Bar suggestions - Christie%26#39;s 41 North is reopening this summer, and the Landing is always fun on the weekends, it has a DJ upstairs and usually a guitar player or something like that downstairs. Another really busy club/bar is Dockside and Westdeck. They are located towards lower Thames Street. You could also check out the Gaslamp and One Pelham East. You will have fun at any of these spots. FYI, the covers are usually $10-$20 per bar on Friday and Saturday nights.

    Some great restaurants are the Red Parrot (they don%26#39;t take reservations, so expect a 1-2 hour wait on the weekends). Also good is the Mooring, 22 Bowens, Fluke Wine Bar, and the Brick Alley Pub. Pero Salado is a tiny little Mexican Restaurant off America%26#39;s Cup that has FABULOUS Sangria and Margaritas.

    Hope this helps, and have a great time in Newport!

    Visiting for 4 days in mid-September

    We have never been to the east coast (Calif folk)

    We are staying at a friend%26#39;s vacation home in Wakefield, near Narragansett and will have a rental car. Looking for suggestions on the following:

    1) things to do around the area

    2) possible day trips for mid-September

    3) restaurants - we love all types of food $$ budget, but will splurge $$$ for something special

    4) hotels if needed for any ';can%26#39;t miss'; side trips

    Thank you!

    Visiting for 4 days in mid-September

    You will enjoy yourselves in Rhode Island. The first thing to know is just how small the state is. You can get anywhere in a day with time to spare.

    Since you%26#39;ll be based in Wickford, day trips along the south coast are very easy. You can start in Narragansett and work your way all along the coastline, passing through the coastal towns of Matunuck, Charlestown, all the way to Westerly, which is the last town before Connecticut. There%26#39;s a section of Narragansett called Galilee where the fishing fleet is based which is a cute fishing village. You can get some good seafood there. Another area of Narragansett is called Point Judith. Follow route 108 down past Breakwater Village to a little dirt road on the right for some great scenery of the ocean high above the cliff.

    Newport is about 20 minutes away and should provide you with a solid day trip without going anywhere else. You can do mansion tours, walk the Cliff Walk check out the quaint shops and taste some really good food in Newport. There%26#39;s also a couple of nice beaches there as well as a couple of nice state parks.

    There are awesome little coastal towns nearby Newport like Bristol, Little Compton and Jamestown to check out. The BeaverTail State Park in Jamestown is really nice. Little Compton is really charming and has the Sakonnet Vineyards there if you like wine. Bristol is really cut too and has a great park called Colt State Park.

    A 1/2 hour journey takes you to Providence. It%26#39;s a small city but very vibrant. Excelelnt italian restaurants that rival New York can be found all along Federal Hill. The downtown has Waterfire which gets rave reviews for chilling out along the river.

    The East Side of Providence is home to Brown University and has wonderful old school homes and buildings, as well as funky/hip places to eat and shop.

    Wickford is about 2 hours from Cape Cod if you want to go see the Cape. LOTS to do and see there. You could cross the bridge and pick up route 6A which is an awesome 34 mile drive to Orleans. Push on to the National Seashore or turn around and do 6A again. It%26#39;s that nice.

    Daytrips into Connecticut could include both the Foxwoods or Mohegan Sun Casinos or Mystic Seaport.

    Even Boston is considered a day trip and should not be missed if you have a whole day. Boston is just an amazing city slightly less than two hours from Wickford.

    Visiting for 4 days in mid-September

    I suggest you eat at the SPAIN restaurant while in Narragansett. It%26#39;s in the Pt. Judith area on the way to the Pt. Judith lighthouse along Ocean Rd.

    Visit Wickford Village, a quaint marina village with shops and downtown Wakefield has some fun shopping along the Main road.

    Block Island would be a nice day trip. The Ferry leave from Galilee ( near Pt. Judith area) and there are places to park the car while you take the ferry over and back.

    Newport is a must do. Tour the mansions, take a sailboat harbor tour, lots of shops and open air dining around the cobblestone wharfs.

    My husband I went to Narragansett, RI for the first time in May 2009. We were there for 4 days....but went to Block Island and Newport for a day each. We had a blast at both places. But, Block Island was my fave. It was sooo much fun. We took a ferry from Pt. Judith and it took and hour from Narragansett. Then, we rented a moped (mind you we had never been on one) and had too much fun!!!! You can also rent regular bikes and smart cartes(tiny cars that fit 2 people)....went to the lighthouses and Mohegan Bluff (which is a must!!!)....beautiful beaches and scenery!! The ferry was about $20 p/p roundtrip. It was great! Go to Block Island....nice restaurants, beautiful place! Enjoy!

    convention center --close hotels/walking distance

    Will be there in October and looking for a nice hotel close to the convention center.

    convention center --close hotels/walking distance

    The Westin....it%26#39;s connected to it.

    Also in the area within walking distance is the Courtyard by Mariott, Biltmore, and Hilton.

    A little bit further but still walkable, Renaissance and Hotel Providence (a boutique hotel)

  • black heads
  • What is Folk Fest like?

    We%26#39;re coming in for the folk festival, and were wondering what it was like? Is it family friendly? SMoky? Alcohol? Blankets? Chairs?

    We%26#39;ve avoided larger festivals due to drunken college kids and portopotties.

    Any info would be great!


    What is Folk Fest like?

    It%26#39;s not a very crazy scene....older and more laid back. It%26#39;s blankets and chairs...for years no alcohol was allowed, but they now have a section where they serve limited alcohol (beer and wine only I think) it an area that you have to stay in, not bring back to your blankets and chairs (At least that is how it was for the last 2 years) I don%26#39;t think it%26#39;s very smoky.

    Most of the craziness is off shore on the boats. Even then it%26#39;s not like Lake Havasu or anything....

    I think you still have porta-potties though.

    What is Folk Fest like?

    Also, typically its often hazy and hot, and there is no real protection from the elements.

    Specifically for teens in Newport

    Any activity comes to mind specifically for teens in Newport. 13 Year old-ish? Thank you.

    Specifically for teens in Newport

    I too would be interested to know. We have a 14 year old daughter and will be in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachussetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont during the first part of July. I have had a difficult time finding something teen friendly to do. Thanks.

    Specifically for teens in Newport

    I too would be interested to know. We have a 14 year old daughter and will be in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachussetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont during the first part of July. I have had a difficult time finding something teen friendly to do. Thanks.

    Bannisters Wharf

    Has anyone stayed in the Bannisters Wharf accommodations (right on the wharf)? If so, what was your experience - good and bad? What are the rooms like? Cost? Is it noisy? What did you think of the location?

    Thank you!

    Family Vacation July 2010

    Our niece is getting married at the Atlantic Beach Club 7/3/10. We are a family of 8 siblings with spouses and Mom looking to rent a house/cottage/vacation place beginning on 7/2 for a week. There%26#39;s the possibility that some won%26#39;t make it so at the very least we%26#39;ll need 6 bedrooms but we may need up to 10 bedrooms.

    Anybody know of anyplace that would work for us?

    Thanks, Debra

    20-Somethings: Where to stay what to do?


    A bunch of friends and i are planning a trip to Newport for fourth of July. however, we have no idea what area of newport we should stay in, what we should be looking to do etc. Any advice would be super helpful.
