Can anyone recommend the top restaurants in Newport? We are open to all kinds of food, but we would like good quality food and service.
Top Restaurants
You didn%26#39;t mention what your budget is, and therefore I would recommend checking out the Newport restaurant reviews on this site. Just click on the '; Restaurants'; link over on the left. This town offers a wide variety of choices catering to all different tastes and budgets.
From my own personal experience, my wife and I have had excellent meals at Pier 49, The Red Parrot, and The Mooring to name a few. Bear in mind that when in Newport we tend to gravitate towards casual places mostly. There is no doubt that you%26#39;ll be able to find something you like. Good luck, and enjoy!
Top Restaurants
Castle Hill for a true experience.
The Spiced Pear at the Chanler has been getting mixed reviews.
Bouchards always gets raves for it%26#39;s French menue.
White Horse Tavern for an old Colonial romantic setting.
Those are the higher end restaurants.
Slightly less expensive:
The Mooring
Clarke Cooke House
22 Bowens
Black Pearl (Commodore%26#39;s Room)
Tuckers Bistro
More Casual:
Red Parrot
Brick Alley Pub
Black Pearl (Tavern)
Scales and Shells
5th Element
Salvation Cafe
go to and check out the ';where to eat'; pages...there are links to most places and menues.
hands down Brick Alley Pub. I basically make it there once a week and enjoy it every time. A+ for food and 9 times out of 10 exceptional service. It is a pub though, nothing too fancy.
Tucker%26#39;s Bistro - highly recommended!! Great food, great atmosphere. My husband and I talk about going back to RI just for Tucker%26#39;s.
Pronto - very cozy place w/ really good food.
As another poster replied, it all depends on what you consider a ';top'; restaurant.
For some people it is a matter of value, relatively good food and decent service at a reasonable price.
For others it is primarily about the atmosphere, whether they prefer informal or more formal etc, and for others it is all about the price so long as the food is edible.
For those who are into fine dining, the top restaurants are those where the food is creative, prepared properly, presented attractively on the plate and served with elegance and professional skill, in attractive surroundings. In Newport, as noted above, those choices include Castle Hill, Bouchards, White Horse Tavern, Black Pearl Commodore Room, and some chef-owned smaller places as well. All are pricey, but you get what you pay for (probably best to avoid the Spiced Pear even though it tries to emulate the others above since the reports from there are so uneven).
As suggested, go online, check out menus and prices and you can figure it out.
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