Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Possible relocation to Providence, Rhode Island

Hi, Can you please give me your input on relocating to Providence, Rhode Island? Which areas close to Providence would you recommend as far as low crime, good schools and a nice area to live without breaking the bank entirely?

Thank you for any input!

Possible relocation to Providence, Rhode Island

Check out the city-data.com forum for this sort of info, there%26#39;s tons of it on Prov.

Possible relocation to Providence, Rhode Island

In my opinion, the best place to live in Providence is the East Side. It can get expensive depending on where you go, but the East Side is great. There are a few great private schools located on the East Side like the Lincoln School as well as the Wheeler School. Also on the East Side is Wayland Square, which is great little area with shops and coffee shops.

Another nice area to live in is Elmhurst. I%26#39;m not sure about the schools around Elmhurst, but it definitely is a cute, safe, affordable neighborhood.

I%26#39;ve been living up in Providence for a few years now, and I can definitely tell you some places to stay away from. Definitely stay away from the Southside and the West End. Anything located in Olneyville and Silverlake stay away from as well.

When I moved up here I found this website very helpful: http://www.providenceri.com/moving/ . Click on the neighborhood profiles and it will give you an idea of what all the neighborhoods are like in Providence. Good Luck! I hope this helped.

I%26#39;m not sure if you are looking to buy or rent, but Barrington is a very nice town with low crime and good schools. Can be a bit expensive but tons of house are on the market and if you look you can get some great deals. Also Warwick has some nice areas, especially the east side by the water. Again, a ton of houses for sale with some amazing deals.

I agree. Warwick has some very nice areas, but not so nice also. As in any city there are nicer areas. East Greenwich is another area. I live in Warwick on the East Greenwich border. Very centrally located and 15 minutes from Providence, 25 from the beaches.


East Providence is not bad and a quick commute to Providence. Rumford is the nicest section but Kent Heights and parts of Riverside are good too.

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