Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I live in Rhode Island and have traveled all around the US. We really must do something about the huge amount of litter and trash on your highways and streets. It looks very bad and people whom I have met in my travels that have been to RI have all commented on this. What can we do to make RI cleaner and more attractive? Even NY City is cleaner!!!


Yeah, some areas are pretty bad. When I lived in Ct we use to have many local clean ups. People would walk along the beach or whatever and pick up the litter. It was amazing how much crap we would collect.

For whatever reason RI doesn%26#39;t seem to have as many of these types of activities. Maybe it just needs someone to organize the clean ups. Maybe even start a group that could meet occasionally in different places to pick up litter. I%26#39;m not sure how you could actually get it started.


CindyAnn- I%26#39;m feeling it too. On my stretch of road in Jamestown, some local, throws his Bud Light, cans, bottles, and even empty six packs- as he%26#39;s coming and going.

April is earthday month though, so people will be out picking up the trash, at least.

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