Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Romantic Inn in Newport, RI

I%26#39;m looking for a romantic inn to take my wife for her 45th birthday on the weekend of her birthday in Feb. Would like a large jacuzzi, large room, couples massage and within walking distance to restaurants and sites. Any suggestions? I checked out Hydrangea House, Cliff Hill, Chandler and Francis Malborne.

Romantic Inn in Newport, RI

Castlehill is the best place to stay in Newport although it is on Ocean Drive and not walking distance to all. The beach houses sit on a private beach; have decks, king size beds with nice linens, Jacuzzi tubs, flat screen TVs and kitchettes. A full breakfast is served in the main house. There is daily tea service (which is wonderful) and an excellent restaurant. Very romantic. I highly recommend it. If you insist on staying in town I would recommend the Francis Malbone.

Romantic Inn in Newport, RI

Thanks for your info. I will check into both. Did you here anything good or bad about Hydrangea? It seems to have everything that we are looking for.

If Castle Hill is too pricey, I%26#39;ve never heard anyone complain about Hydrangea House or Francis Malbone -- both always get good reviews and positive comments in this forum.

Hi. Thanks for your post. My husband and I are going there for 3 nights. We have the option of staying in a beach cottage or Harbor House. Do you have a preference? We got the trip on Luxury Link and can take it from 2/1 to 5/31. I thought I would hold out closer to May to visit. The photos look very nice.

Take a Beach Cottage or Beach House at Castle Hill, versus the Harbor Houses.

Both are really special, but the Beach units have a bit more space and the views are really special.

I agree that the best accommodations at Castehill are the Beach Houses or Beach Cottages, in that order. The Beach Houses are larger and a little more private. Although the cottages are nice as well, some are quite small so you may want to inquire about the size if you book a cottage. The beach houses are all the same in size except for the end units which are slightly larger. If you book a Beach House, it is nice to have an end unit. 37 is my favorite, followed by unit 34. Enjoy.

If you go to Castle Hill I would definitely recommend the beach cottages. They are located right on a private beach, and although smaller than the beach house, it has the large jacuzzi, sofa and kitchenette as previously mentioned. Enjoy!

  • black heads
  • Litter

    I live in Rhode Island and have traveled all around the US. We really must do something about the huge amount of litter and trash on your highways and streets. It looks very bad and people whom I have met in my travels that have been to RI have all commented on this. What can we do to make RI cleaner and more attractive? Even NY City is cleaner!!!


    Yeah, some areas are pretty bad. When I lived in Ct we use to have many local clean ups. People would walk along the beach or whatever and pick up the litter. It was amazing how much crap we would collect.

    For whatever reason RI doesn%26#39;t seem to have as many of these types of activities. Maybe it just needs someone to organize the clean ups. Maybe even start a group that could meet occasionally in different places to pick up litter. I%26#39;m not sure how you could actually get it started.


    CindyAnn- I%26#39;m feeling it too. On my stretch of road in Jamestown, some local, throws his Bud Light, cans, bottles, and even empty six packs- as he%26#39;s coming and going.

    April is earthday month though, so people will be out picking up the trash, at least.

    How much is valet at the biltmore?

    A few friends and i are staying at the biltmore soon and i was just wondering if anyone knew how much they charged for valet? Or if there was free parking anywhere in that area?

    How much is valet at the biltmore?

    Valet parking is $24 and includes unlimited in/out privelages. It%26#39;s really a good deal. Good luck finding free parking in that area. You may find metered spots, but it wouldn%26#39;t be worth the hassle to keep feeding the meter. To add onto your other post concerning McCormick %26amp; Schmick%26#39;s happy hour,I believe it%26#39;s still only available Monday-Friday,3:30-6:30pm and Monday-Thursday from 9:30-11:30pm

    Best Mexican food in Rhode Island

    Visit El Rancho Grande and taste for yourself. Owner and chef, Maria Meza, takes no short cuts as she create homemade cuisine that would make her abuela proud.


    Top Restaurants

    Can anyone recommend the top restaurants in Newport? We are open to all kinds of food, but we would like good quality food and service.

    Top Restaurants

    You didn%26#39;t mention what your budget is, and therefore I would recommend checking out the Newport restaurant reviews on this site. Just click on the '; Restaurants'; link over on the left. This town offers a wide variety of choices catering to all different tastes and budgets.

    From my own personal experience, my wife and I have had excellent meals at Pier 49, The Red Parrot, and The Mooring to name a few. Bear in mind that when in Newport we tend to gravitate towards casual places mostly. There is no doubt that you%26#39;ll be able to find something you like. Good luck, and enjoy!

    Top Restaurants

    Castle Hill for a true experience.

    The Spiced Pear at the Chanler has been getting mixed reviews.

    Bouchards always gets raves for it%26#39;s French menue.

    White Horse Tavern for an old Colonial romantic setting.

    Those are the higher end restaurants.

    Slightly less expensive:

    The Mooring


    Clarke Cooke House

    22 Bowens

    Black Pearl (Commodore%26#39;s Room)

    Tuckers Bistro


    More Casual:

    Red Parrot

    Brick Alley Pub

    Black Pearl (Tavern)

    Scales and Shells

    5th Element

    Salvation Cafe

    go to www.gonewport.com and check out the ';where to eat'; pages...there are links to most places and menues.

    hands down Brick Alley Pub. I basically make it there once a week and enjoy it every time. A+ for food and 9 times out of 10 exceptional service. It is a pub though, nothing too fancy.

    Tucker%26#39;s Bistro - highly recommended!! Great food, great atmosphere. My husband and I talk about going back to RI just for Tucker%26#39;s.

    Pronto - very cozy place w/ really good food.

    As another poster replied, it all depends on what you consider a ';top'; restaurant.

    For some people it is a matter of value, relatively good food and decent service at a reasonable price.

    For others it is primarily about the atmosphere, whether they prefer informal or more formal etc, and for others it is all about the price so long as the food is edible.

    For those who are into fine dining, the top restaurants are those where the food is creative, prepared properly, presented attractively on the plate and served with elegance and professional skill, in attractive surroundings. In Newport, as noted above, those choices include Castle Hill, Bouchards, White Horse Tavern, Black Pearl Commodore Room, and some chef-owned smaller places as well. All are pricey, but you get what you pay for (probably best to avoid the Spiced Pear even though it tries to emulate the others above since the reports from there are so uneven).

    As suggested, go online, check out menus and prices and you can figure it out.

    Valet Parking at Biltmore, Providence RI

    What is an appropriate procedure and amount for tipping valet service?

    Valet Parking at Biltmore, Providence RI

    The procedure is much like a coat check. You hand them the keys and they will hand you a claim ticket. When you want the car back, you hand them the claim ticket and they go retrieve your car. Tipping varies. It%26#39;s recommended to tip a valet attendant $2 each time he goes to park or retrieve your car. I usually tip $5 each time, but always $5 when they go to park my car. I feel the few extra dollars gives them a little more incentive to park it in the safest spot possible. So, that%26#39;s the deal. Just tip what you feel is appropriate and you can afford, but don%26#39;t give less than $2.

  • get time from datetime
  • Camera Repair in Newport RI

    We deopped our camera getting off the ferry and broke the polarizer lens only. Sami Menassa at Ritrx Camera fixed it in 2 hours. A high 5 to him.

    322 Swans wharf row brick market place 401 846-8294

    He saved the day.

    Jan in Seattle

    Saturday night stay in Newport

    We live approx. 1hr from Newport and want to drive down 4/25 (Saturday) for lunch, sightseeing,dinner,drinks,and breakfast. Would like to be able to park and spend the rest of the time on foot. Seems many hotels have a two night minimum so our choices are limited. Any suggestions? B%26amp;B recommendations? Any thoughts are appreciated

    Saturday night stay in Newport

    Now is a great time to go to Newport. The weather is good and the crowds are small. So doing all that you asked is more than able. You%26#39;ll enjoy yourself..

    If you have a vehicle then you could look into staying in near by middletown,ri and have a short 3-5 minute drive..

    Saturday night stay in Newport

    I think your best bet is to drive down that Saturday as planned and find a room when you get there. Trying to book a one night stay on a Saturday in advance is near impossible. The hotels hold all the power then to get you to commit to a 2 night stay. But, I%26#39;m sure you will find something on the day of, especially since late April is far from peak season down there. There should be rooms available for the night. Try the Newport Marriott, Newport Harbor Hotel, Hyatt on Goat Island, bigger places like that.

    I%26#39;ve checked a bunch of websites and all of them offer rooms for just the 25th at most of the hotels and Inns....where are you looking that you are told there is a two night minimum, B%26amp;B%26#39;s? They%26#39;re crazy if they think they can requiree that this early in the season, I%26#39;d be surprised if they%26#39;ll even be able to get that this summer (with the possible exception of some popular B%26amp;B%26#39;s)

    I did notice on Hotwire, that the Hyatt on Goat Island is $131 for that night. Probably even cheaper on Priceline.

    Or follow Will%26#39;s advice and wait until you get down. Stop by the Visitors Center to see if their are any day of specials.

    Thank you for the replies and advice. I was floored to think a one night stay was out of reach. Did get one at the Marriott so we are good to go.Next time I%26#39;ll take your advice and just drive down and find a room. Thanks again, I%26#39;m sure we%26#39;ll have a great time.

    Breakfast near the Westin

    My husband and I are staying at the Westin in downtown Providence the weekend. Can anyone recommend a nice place for breakfast (preferably within walking distance but willing to drive)for Saturday morning? Also are there any nice Sunday brunch places for Easter?

    Breakfast near the Westin


    I can recommend a few really good breakfast spots for you to consider. First is Tazza located on Westminster Street. It%26#39;s the closest one to your hotel. Walk out of your hotel, cross the road, go right on Fountain and left on Union. Take Union St. to the corner of Westminster. It%26#39;s right there on the corner. Second is Downcity Food %26amp; Cocktail. Exit your hotel and walk down Dorrance St. until you reach Weybosett St. Left on Weybosset and Downcity is at #50. Third would probably require your car as it%26#39;s about 1 1/2 miles away. Nick%26#39;s on Broadway is another awesome breakfast/brunch spot. Exit hotel and drive down Sabin St. across I-95 onto Broadway. It%26#39;s located at #500 Broadway about a mile after crossing I-95. I%26#39;ll leave you the links if you%26#39;re interested. As far as who%26#39;s serving Easter Brunch, I know Downcity is. You%26#39;re best bet is to pick up the newspaper (Providence Journal) on Saturday or Sunday morning to see what%26#39;s up. Or call the restaurant directly.




    Breakfast near the Westin

    Eddie and Son on Dorrance (just down from City Hall) is great for Breakfast. Diner food with diner atmosphere but local and great. Just was there on Saturday and I recommend it highly,

    Thanks for your suggestions. We actually ended up just down the street from Nicks at a place called Julians - delicious and wonderfully eclectic! It was a rainy and cold morning and there were people standing outside under the awning waiting for a seat, so that to me is an indication of a place that is worth the wait. I would recommend it! My husband had fruit stuffed french toast and I had the eggs benedict. One word - YUM!

  • black heads
  • why dousbports founder
  • help me find a beach for a kids first trip to the ocean

    Don%26#39;t know where to start so I%26#39;m asking for help from my friends on TA. I need to plan a trip for 2 families to a beach in southern Mass or RI for the last week in July.

    Our party includes 5 kids ages 1-7. Most are from the SW and will be the only time they ever see the ocean. I need to find an modestly priced location near a beach with waves, sand, shells and preferably tide pools. I%26#39;m thinking of eliminating much of Cape Cod due to the crowds in July. These folks are not really into activities and just want to see the beach and pop up to the NE aquarium for a day.

    Any suggestions for RI or Mass? Westport? Little Compton? Narragansett? Wareham? Dartmouth? Buzzards Bay?

    help me find a beach for a kids first trip to the ocean

    You%26#39;re smart in sticking to those areas because the water is a lot warmer, than the Cape and Boston areas. Little Compton, Westport, Dartmouth, are very, very pretty rural ag areas with not that many beaches, often private. Horseneck Beach and Little Compton Town beach are the two main ones. Horseneck has the potential to be so rough that swimming is sometimes closed. Little Compton is very out of the way, but that could be a good thing, you%26#39;ll pay for the solitude though.

    There are more beaches in RI to choose from, some are smaller and known for being more mellow, kids beaches, like Third Beach and Gooseberry on Aquidneck Island. Narragansett, Charlestown, Misquamicut, and the south coast of RI all have big, nice beaces with more going on the area.

    help me find a beach for a kids first trip to the ocean

    Narragansett would offer several beach options. Scarborough Beach can have more rolling surf, while Sand Hill Cove (AKA Roger Wheeler Beach) has gentle waves, a playground on the beach and they used to offer craft time for little kids ( don;t know if they still offer that now). Both are state beaches and have large parking lots ( you pay a daily per car parking fee) and both have bathhouses and concession stands.

    You can find a house to rent for a week that will allow you to save some $$ on meals. Many rentals will have washer/dryers which will be a help with five kids! Many also have DVD players so you can rent a movie or two to entertain the kids!

    For a prime week like end of July, you%26#39;re kind of late in reserving a house but there should be some left. Check cyberrentals.com (owners listings)OR for realtor listings try Durkin cottages.

    There are also movie theatres and a bowling alley near by in case you have a rainy day.

    I agree with the previous posters who both mention Narragansett as a good choice. I love their beaches and there%26#39;s plenty to do and see, yet without the massive crowds and the highter costs of Cape Cod. You may even want to consider visiting the Mystic Seaport and Aquarium instead of going all the way up to Boston. Mystic is a nice town to visit and the Aquarium is very good.

    Before you write off Cape Cod, be advised most of the bay side beaches are unlike any other beaches around.....shallow and warm.

    Everytime we visit one, we always think how perfect these beaches are for little ones because for most of the day, you can go out into the water for almost 1 mile!!!! and it gets no deeper than 3 or 4 feet.

    It is sometimes 6-12 inches deep for the 1st hundred yards....with plenty of tidal pools. So, given the age group of your kids, it might be worth looking into.

    Generally known as the Brewster flats, there are probably a dozen beaches in each direction and surprisingly uncrowded.

    Holy cow! You guys have some great information! Thank you! be sure to write me if you%26#39;re ever headed to Finger Lakes Wine Country. Thanks so much!

    Smoker looking for hotel in Downtown

    My husband and I are looking for a 3 day getaway in May. Will be coming up there to spend some time alone together and money. Would like a nicer hotel and am willing to pay for it but want to be able to smoke in our room. Does this exist at all anymore? Thanks.

    Smoker looking for hotel in Downtown

    I know the Marriotts and Westin is smoke free. I%26#39;m not sure about the Hilton. I%26#39;m pretty sure the Biltmore and Hotel Providence still offer smoking rooms. Both are nicer hotels right in the Downtown area. The Biltmore is an older hotel while the Hotel Providence is a newer hotel that sits in a renovated historic building. While both are ';nice';, the Hotel Providence is nicer and therefore more expensive to stay there. I would call either hotel to check on the smoking policy.

    Possible relocation to Providence, Rhode Island

    Hi, Can you please give me your input on relocating to Providence, Rhode Island? Which areas close to Providence would you recommend as far as low crime, good schools and a nice area to live without breaking the bank entirely?

    Thank you for any input!

    Possible relocation to Providence, Rhode Island

    Check out the city-data.com forum for this sort of info, there%26#39;s tons of it on Prov.

    Possible relocation to Providence, Rhode Island

    In my opinion, the best place to live in Providence is the East Side. It can get expensive depending on where you go, but the East Side is great. There are a few great private schools located on the East Side like the Lincoln School as well as the Wheeler School. Also on the East Side is Wayland Square, which is great little area with shops and coffee shops.

    Another nice area to live in is Elmhurst. I%26#39;m not sure about the schools around Elmhurst, but it definitely is a cute, safe, affordable neighborhood.

    I%26#39;ve been living up in Providence for a few years now, and I can definitely tell you some places to stay away from. Definitely stay away from the Southside and the West End. Anything located in Olneyville and Silverlake stay away from as well.

    When I moved up here I found this website very helpful: http://www.providenceri.com/moving/ . Click on the neighborhood profiles and it will give you an idea of what all the neighborhoods are like in Providence. Good Luck! I hope this helped.

    I%26#39;m not sure if you are looking to buy or rent, but Barrington is a very nice town with low crime and good schools. Can be a bit expensive but tons of house are on the market and if you look you can get some great deals. Also Warwick has some nice areas, especially the east side by the water. Again, a ton of houses for sale with some amazing deals.

    I agree. Warwick has some very nice areas, but not so nice also. As in any city there are nicer areas. East Greenwich is another area. I live in Warwick on the East Greenwich border. Very centrally located and 15 minutes from Providence, 25 from the beaches.


    East Providence is not bad and a quick commute to Providence. Rumford is the nicest section but Kent Heights and parts of Riverside are good too.

  • columnheader
  • Car service Boston to Newport?

    Can%26#39;t seem to find a very good rate on a 4-day rental so I%26#39;m thinking of checking into car services. Does anyone know of a good one?

    Car service Boston to Newport?

    You%26#39;ll pay a fortune for car service between the 2. You could try Boston Coach or Dav El, but I%26#39;d bet they%26#39;re more than double the car rental rates. There is bus service between the 2, and if you can get from Newport to Providence, you can take the commuter rail into Boston.

    Car service Boston to Newport?

    thank you so much

    U@ concert at Gillette, where to stay?

    THinking of taking my wife to the concert, will be travelling from Albany and wanted to stay at the hotel at the stadium, $550/night. OUCH, so thought of staying away from the stadium in boston or Providence? any thoughts? We were looking at doing 2 nights and instead of driving to the concert,migh thire a limo to bring us (I hate parking crowds)

    U@ concert at Gillette, where to stay?

    My advice is to forget the limousine idea. It%26#39;s much too expensive. You would need to rent it for 6 hours plus pay $125 for it to park in the same parking lot you would park your own car in. I would drive in yourself and pay the $40 to park. Coming up from Providence isn%26#39;t all that bad. Once you hit Route 1 nearing the stadium, the lanes go from 2 to 3 lanes, and you are directed to park across the street from the stadium. Coming down from Boston always has more traffic problems, with long backups common.

    It%26#39;s your call on which city to stay in, but I would suggest Providence as the better option for a short stay with the concert being your main focus. Providence will be lighter on the wallet than Boston would be. Since the concert is on Sunday, you would have Saturday night in Providence and a very good chance of experiencing a WaterFire event along the river. Lots of really good restaurants in Providence as well.

    Feel free to ask anymore questions you may have.

  • black heads
  • Providence accomodations for 3 people in May

    Hello everyone,

    We are 3 adults visiting Providence for 4 days to attend a graduation(J %26amp; W) and do nearby sightseeing. I%26#39;m trying to find a hotel that will allow all 3 of us in same room, any suggestions...?

    Also price is extremely important, so please help.

    Thanks in advance.

    Providence accomodations for 3 people in May

    I can%26#39;t see you having a problem getting 1 room for 3 adults at any of the major hotels in Providence. I know the Courtyard by Marriott, the Hilton and the Providence Biltmore will allow 3 adults per room. However, I%26#39;m not sure if these hotels are already booked for your specific dates. Look into the above mentioned hotels to see availability and rates. Avoid the Marriott Providence Downtown as it%26#39;s not really in the downtown area, unless you don%26#39;t mind a 15-20 minute walk. Others to look into are the Hotel Providence and Renaissance by Marriott, although they are very likely to be more expensive than the others.

    Providence accomodations for 3 people in May

    Try Hampton Inn and Suites in downtown Providence. The Hotel is brand new and very nice.

    daughter going to Johnson and whales in Rhode Island

    Help us please. She may want to come home a few weekends and I detest highway driving. I am rather terrified of it. What is a way to get her home through public transport. We live in the bucks county area. plane might be an option. I just need ideas at this point. thanks

    daughter going to Johnson and whales in Rhode Island

    First of all, isn%26#39;t Johnson %26amp; Wales in Providence and not Newport?

    As for your daughter getting home, how about she takes the Amtrak home? She can take the train from Providence to New York, then board another train for the trip into Harrisburg. Total travel time is about 7 hours and costs about $150 roundtrip. Is Harrisburg close enough to your house?

    daughter going to Johnson and whales in Rhode Island

    She could easily do either a train, plane or bus. they are all easily accessed from JW. Plane will require her to take a taxi though. Although our local list it as Providence it%26#39;s actually in Warwick,RI..

    She could easily take Amtrak home. She could probably walk to the Providence station if she wanted to from JWU. I go to URI which is further south on the train line and I know tons of students who use amtrak to get back and forth to New Jersey or New York. She might have to transfer in New York though. She could also look into a busline- but I had a friend take it to New York and she said it wasn%26#39;t a good experience.

    She could also make friends with someone from PA and go home with them sometimes too.

    My son attends JWU in Providence, and I can assure you that it is a very public transport friendly school/town. Your daughter will have lots of classmates who can help her figure out getting home. The train and bus stations are both an easy walk from the downcity dorms, and from these, she will be able to get into NYC and transfer to a PA-bound train and home to you, no prob.

    Plane not worth the time and trouble. Getting to and from the airport will make that trip take as long as the train option. Check out the Amtrak options, or PeterPanBus.com for information on the bus from Prov to NYC.

    Good luck!

  • black heads
  • effects on relationships
  • Rose Farm Inn or the National Hotel??

    I know they are very different. I would like to be close to downtown as well as the beaches. We like to be where there is activity, although I love the charm of a B%26amp;B and the hospitality. Please let me know what you know about these two different places. Thanks!

    Rose Farm Inn or the National Hotel??

    I have stayed at both places but have to say it was 20 plus years ago. They were as different as night and day, but not so much good and bad as a very different experience. The National is on the main drag, has live music and you can%26#39;t just sit on their porch without ordering drinks or food (even the back porch is like that now). However, the rooms at the National are very nicely appointed and the hotel cat even came in and slept with us, which was a nice touch.

    We much preferred the Rose Farm. Secluded, romantic, a nice walk up from the main drag but not so far you need to cab it (although off the ferry with luggage you may). It is much more intimate, so if you are okay with much fewer folks, quiet solitude it is the place for you. You can have the best of both worlds by hanging out on the main drag until you%26#39;ve had your fill then take a romantic walk up the hill to the Rose Farm.

    Have Fun! We actually loved BI so much we married at the Atlantic Inn (next door to Rose Farm) back in 1993. We honeymooned at 1661 Inn which is quite nice too, with private ocean balcony and jacuzzi%26#39;s

    Rose Farm Inn or the National Hotel??

    Thanks so much for your help. I did end up booking the National because the Rose Farm Inn had a 3-night minimum.

    In todays economy, it%26#39;s a shame that some of these places have a 3 night minimum. We too tried to book the Rose Farm Inn, however, when they had the 3 night minimum rule (we can only stay 2 nights) - we needed to go elsewhere. They said if they don%26#39;t fill up, they%26#39;ll call back - however, by that time we will have made other arrangements.

    It does stink, but I get the economics of it. The places on Block Island have such a short season that they have to fill up as many days as possible. Rose Farm Inn is ranked the #1 B%26amp;B in Block Island, so I%26#39;m sure they will get the business, even in this economy. All I%26#39;m hoping for now is good weather as the cancellation policy at these hotels are strict.

    I booked the Rose Farm about 3 months ago for Memorial Day weekend and they took us for 2 nights, sat %26amp; sun only. I just asked. I noticed Newport did the same thing for us mast Memorial Day- their policy is 3, but it can%26#39;t hurt to ask. they want the guaranteed money.

    For the dates that I wanted, Rose Farm quoted me a 3-night minimum. I%26#39;m sure Memorial Day weekend isn%26#39;t as busy as July because the weather can be iffy at that time. You are lucky though or either that they are off to a slow start with the economy. Thanks for the scoop and have fun on Block Island!

    Belle View inn

    Can anybody give me information on the Belle View Inn?

    Is it a good place to stay?


    Belle View inn

    I%26#39;ve never stayed there before, but this inn has gotten mostly positive reviews on this site. Here%26#39;s the link: tripadvisor.com/…REVIEWS

    The location seems ok, pretty close to Bellevue Ave. And their average rate posted here looks very reasonable for Newport. My initial impression is that you could probably do a lot worse than this place. Hopefully someone who has actually stayed there will chime in. Good Luck!

  • black heads
  • Hotel in Federal Hill

    We are 4 women coming to Providence for 1 night on June 12 then on to Cape Cod. We are thinking of staying in the Federal Hill area. Or would the downtown area be better. We love to eat and look in fun boutiques and little shops. Cool buildings are fun to look at too. What do you suggest? Can we stay for abound $100 to $120? We are from the plains of Oklahoma. It%26#39;s very flat here!

    Hotel in Federal Hill

    Downtown or Federal Hill is pretty much the same, more or less. I don%26#39;t think there are any decent hotels at that range in summer with Waterfire going on, but maybe someone knows otherwise. Maybe there are some hotels on the outskirts- isn%26#39;t there a Days Inn off 195? Providence packs a lot to see in a relatively small area so maybe you could just drive in and park for the day.

    Hotel in Federal Hill

    Hotwire is showing a 3 1/2* hotel for $58+fees. It%26#39;s most likely the Hilton which is downtown, but very close to Federal Hill.

    Hotel Dolce Villa on Federal Hill is a small, boutique, all suite hotel. There are 2 bedroom suites that should accomodate all of you. Check out website. www.dolcevillari.com

    Overnight stay with small children


    Our little family (me, my husband and 3 boys - 1, 4 and 5 yrs) is planning on taking a road trip to visit family in Philadelphia at the end of June. We%26#39;re leaving the 24th and coming back the 1st. We plan to stop in NYC before heading on to Philly, but would like to make a stop at a beach on the way back. Our kiddies have never seen the ocean! And we have never been to Rhode Island, ourselves.

    Can anyone suggest a good beach destination and accommodations for us? We%26#39;ll probably only be spending a day and night there before moving on.

    Thanks so much!
